Fight (beating) in my hometown

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Any background info… on the waitress?

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She’s the sister of the guy in yellow.

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So a guy got punched in the face a few times and it made the news?

No. The guys who did the punching made the news.

I used to work in a bar. There were two gals (Twins or looked like it) one time I show up for work and they had been drinking and fighting each other. One stuck her stiletto into the others head. It was like a boiled egg with blood. My coworker wanted to call an ambulance I told her to shut up they are okay now

Oh My God Omg GIF by Schitt's Creek

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I was the worst employee ever. I’d get left a list of jobs and then just put down the big screen and watch tv / serve clients every now and then and smoke cigarettes. They liked me there though for some reason, I used to talk to the hooligans and the pub itself took an identity of we all looked out for each other.

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He was dick punched, dick grabbed, head butted, then punched.

Followed by the biggest pussy of them all who decided to get some shots in when the guy was already done, punch a woman in the face, then run to grab a fucking ax.

Knowing nothing, that beating was not random. Dude did something. But still, lol at it making the news. No offense, but it’s pretty obvious you guys are from Europe and not the US or Latin America.

The guy who hit him first is a sociopath who doesn’t need a motiv. The other guy ( the one with the axe in the second video) is a pussy who only beats up girls. They are bouth drug dealers. From what i have heard they were drunk.

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It made the news because its a small town with a lot of criminality

It’s strange to be proud of American violence and how it takes a mass shooting to make the news every day.

I know there is a diference between the violence that makes the news in U.S and the one that makes the news in Europe.

It was news worthy for the dick punch/dick grab/headbutt opening combo alone.

New technique to me :rofl:

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You’re absolutely right!

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But it isn’t the same unless you immediately fall out of your chair after delivering the combo.


jajaja I hangout with my fair share of Romanians here and when the drinking starts and fists are about to go flying, everywhere, they always give me a heads up and if my kids are there (they usually are because our kids have grown up together) we GTFO dodge :slight_smile:

It’s kinda like tradition lol

One moment we are laughing, take out the shisha to smoke, we play soccer, more laughing and then like the movies when everything gets tense … yup boys grab your coats its time to go home :slight_smile:

Love them to death though because you always get a heads up before catching a beating. Right before the Now youse cant leave part :slight_smile:

Lots of Romanian gypsies moved to the Uptown ghetto right before Covid, even the Black folks could not handle them. Mostly because there is no bullshit, no shoving game, no intimidation. You fuck up you gonna get a fist to your face, there is no way to de-escalate a situation with gypsies, now if you fight them good and fair you might end up drinking together all night and make an ally for life. Better to just leave though, from experience :slight_smile:

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