Thanks god!
I was dying to hear Brandon Knob’s voice and thoughts!
He is starting a podcast with ja rule next month
I don’t watch the 3 of them often, but i want to know why rogan and schaub give callen so much shit all the time haha
Because Rogan did it so Brendan figured he could copy and paste his relationship with Callen
I caught the end of it. At one point schaub tells a tale about being in Montana (of course), and a guide was with him. Schaub then pretends to know more about montana wliderness and wildlife then the guide does.
What fucking uninteresting tool with zero self awareness.
Eddie was pretty tame which was weird for him. I love hearing his conspiracy rants. Shaub, he is the worst so uninteresting, pretentious and insufferable to listen to
It’s 90% Schaub
Bravo couldn’t get a word in due to Brendan taking up so much mic time
Spiiiiicy spiiiiiiicy throwin spiiiiiiiiice
Brendan is a BBBBBBBbbbbeast!!!
Schaub is in his 30s and can’t control his bladder - constantly wetting his pants and admitting it on the air. Sad.
His mom jeans that he rolls into caprese are to tight
I reckon it’s a jealousy thing as Callen is the only genuinely funny ‘comedian’ there.
I don’t find callen funny even a bit
Rogan, Bravo, Gillis and Theo should do fight companions. Callen and Schaub are fucking terrible.
Arrogant even less self aware than B Schwab imo. I listened to him once tell Brandon that he had great wrestling and he should watch his mouth lol. Brandon sucks but he’s much larger and would smash his face no doubt but Callen was convinced he could take him.
In one of their many podcasts that is. I wrote that like I know them personally lol
You obviously missed the humour.