Fighters' Club Radio: 25FEB MONDAY

on in 8hrs 45min...

less than 2hrs out...

Being a parent I ejoyed the "kids" topic. I think the issue of TMAs being better isn't really true. The key point is the goal of training and the method.

Stressing fun with games, drills and excercises to develop skills as the goal of training rather than competition. The "Play as Way" program samples I've seen from Luis Guiterrez of Team One Dragon would be a great example of this kind of training objectives.

Kids doing MMA "lite" training and encouraged to excell without the "toughguy" or WWF attitude and hype that is prevalent in shows requires a good coach AND PARENTS. Both are factors that can have negative effects in even "traditional" arts like Judo, etc when they start seeing the children as vehicle for their own egos.

Training with lots of padwork, controlled sparring with gear lets them hit hard on equipmemnt and develop excellent timing and distancing witht he controlled sparring without the tee-offs to the head......and make them do lots of "grappo"ling. Kids that get aggressive, etc get sidelined and are forced to watch everyone else "playing" and having fun would probably learn to settledown real fast......or get the boot via strict policies.

Kids can then be fed into those sports/styles (wrestling, Judo, BJJ, etc.) that utilize similar skills.Beats the Hell out of the trash TKD, Karate, etc I see people pretending to be anything other than dancing daycare.

The Quest for Champions tournament has controlled MMA type competitions for kids. Pretty safe and lots of action.

They've been doing it for a couple of years.

From what I've seen. Lots of fast paced action,stand up, takedowns,grappling. The kids all shake hands at the end of the match and are very good sports. No attitudes at all.

I think they are the only ones that have this type of tournament for kids.

kids have gotten ko'd in that tournament if memory serves me correct. oh man

a shot from today's show.

the same thing happens at TKD and point karate tournaments. Even though it suppose to be non contact.
I saw tons of people get injured at point sparring tournaments. one of my friends got blinded in one eye from point spariing tournament he was in.

I think the KO's was in the teenage category in the continous sparring division where kicks to the head was allowed.

The kids pankration does not allow head shots.

Damn I miss being home listening to the boys! Nice pic although I thought Patrick would be wearing his GS jersey! ;)

Didn't Kramers go out of business a while ago?



Looks like Kanoa is on the HGH! Macnamee WAS right ;)

He only looks huge cause he's standing right next to AK... j/k AK don't RNC me ;)

i admit my small man height.. hahaha and kainoa is freaking huge in real life.

Thanks for having me on!

sorry guys i couldn't answer the bell when it was time to wake up this morning. looks like i missed out.

yup, kanoa nearly broke my shoulder off when he shook my hand this morn. whoa

ak attempted 6 calls to alphadogg, bugga still now answer.

I've got one question for Patrick....

Musubi or manapua?

^^Red Bull imo