"Fighters" who lie

LOL-  great stories...we get the same types of people here in Dallas.  I really get a kick out of the crowd at fights, it is like every "tough guy" in the area comes out and wants to act like a bad ass until a real fighter walks by, then they walk small.... it is funny to watch.


I fought Travis once in a secret tournament in Hong Kong. I am not allowed to tell anyone the name or date of the tournament of course, as the Russian Mafia might kill me and my family for divulging the information. But I tapped Travis out with a spinning back hooked toe splitter. He will of course deny this as he doesn't want the Russian Mafia after him, but it happened. Twice.

I live in a very small town and i've done martial arts for around 11 years most of which is traditional stuff like teakwondo and hapkido and then started training mma around 4 years ago.I've only fought once at a local show I won but decided it wasn't for me to compete so I just train.I run into people all of the time that ask me if I still fight and when I tell them no they say something like "oh ok you just did not want to fight anymore after getting back from your big fights in Japan".All I can do is laugh and correct them.I really don't understand i'm not a bragger and most of the time I don't even mention fighting or anything small towns really suck at times.

theres this dude running around the midwest... name is travis fulton or some bullshit. guy claims to have fought pro (i seriously doubt that) and even once claims he KO'd Jack Tripper!

i just chuckle and shake my head when he talks like this

Travis, did the lil TKD dude that you slammed really get his neck broken? Also, do you have wrestling expierence, your bio on some MMA sites shows BJJ, but you appear to be a pretty decent wrestler also. I have a few more general questions about MMA to ask, my email is: suplexman@hotmail.com


Bullock didn't get his neck brken, he was fine.

I know a fighter that lies so much he started believing his own bullshit. :)

Travis can obviously speak for himself, but until then I'll fill you in on what I know about him Suplexman.

Travis wrestled in High School, not sure how long or if He just trained with the Team, But I know He was a natural athelete and was a good wrestler, He also trained with Militech, who obviously has a wrestling background not to mention all the great wrestlers that train there (Hughes etc.)

Also when I first started training with him the Bjj class we did was actually more sub grappling based , using wrestling and bjj together, most of the grapplers in the class where state champ wrestlers, and Good College Wrestlers, they made up some of their own moves like old school Pro wrestlers so Travis does have a great deal of wrestling training.

He has also been training with Greg Halzor who is a really good wrestler/bjj purple belt and for a while anyways he was training with Mike Van arsdale.

His grappling is really good, I might be wrong, didnt he grapple Montanha, the black belt who taught out of KC and moved to Miami, I think it was a draw, which ain't too shabby.

Ever since the Ultimate Fighter aired I've had a couple experiences with random people saying they fight in promotions no one's ever heard of. Everyone wants to be a super hero.

"Everyone wants to be a super hero."

Yeah, makes it tough on those of us who really are superheroes.

speaking of fighters who lie, Ryan Gracie said he has been in what? Over 600 streetfights. Shad Smith they listed as having over a 1000 streetfights in some early KOTC. Come on, I know alot of people who fight alot but that is almost impossible.

A guy named Jason Bentley who fought in the first few Iowa Challenges(and was pampered because he invested money in the shows)started talking trash that he had a fight set up with Tank Abbot and that he could whoop anybody. I wanted to fight the guy bad and got it arranged. He really believed he could beat me, and apparently the local white trash spectators agreed. "

LOL I remember that. Everyone in the crowd was like "man that guy is huge Fulton is in trouble" All I could think was "who the fuck was this guy" Then one punch and he had had enough. So sad.

Its funny I have seen so many guys on the street who take punch after punch and not give up or even seem hurt at all, and I seen so many guys in MMA shows quit or get KO'd with one or two punches.

My local police department told me I couldn't wear shoes or gloves or they would charge me with carrying concealed weapons. :P

These people you speak of...they will be opening the mma mcdojos of the future.

A few years back they held a MMA event here in SW Oklahoma in a tournement format. Just to keeep the local interest they allowed a local tough guy to enter even though he had zero MMA experiance and he wiped the floor with all the competitors even beating their champion UFC fighter Anthony Macias.

Hey...I couldnt remember the name of the guy who beat Macias so I went to fightfinder and looked up his record and they dont show this loss on his record...kind of weird since I was actually there and do remember seeing him lose and it wasnt an exhibition match.

ok, look, I registered just to get this off my chest. I am from Travis's town, and yes they do talk a lot of shit about him. People round our way just seem to be blind to reality, but I do remember a fight that Travis actually lost, because it was against me.

My names Jeff Rantucker and I met Travis outside the Pig's Eye pub. So, I decided to show some respect, I introduced myself and said hi and he was completely wasted, he said some shit like "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? spitting all over the place and shit, then the dude pushed me when I wasn't looking ( I was looking at a friend like "is this really going down?" ) and I tripped over a ciggaratte bucket and fell backwards into a car hitting my head pretty badly.

So anyways, I get up and his friends are all like "get him Trav!" so he swung on me, I ducked and punched him in the gut so hard his fucking eye fell out. There it was, me Trav, and his eye on the ground. So what'd I do? I stepped on the shit, like a defensless grape. He immediately dropped. When the paramedics came they said he died "because he saw his own eye get stepped on." I was then placed under arrest and went to trial.

I just got out of jail for manslaughter, I'm 25, this happened when I was a fetus. But the point of my absolutely true and completely convincing story is that yes, some people make up shit to look cool, I however am not one of them.


nogueada, did it make you feel like a big man to hurt a co-workers feelings when she was obviously vulnerable? Guys like you never actually train, your egos cant take it.