Fighters who made a big mistake dropping weight...

 In the height of Wanderlei vs. Leben, I'm looking to find more info on bad weight drops.  Fighters who found success in heavier classes only to drop down and find nothing but disaster.  James Irvin is a prime example of this scenario, but who else?  Would you put Wanderlei into this category even though he's only had one fight at 185lbs?

Maybe Joe Stevenson, although he went the distance against Vasquez...


 Yeah I fucking said that already! 

Funny you should ask....

CP did it.

ReX13 - Funny you should ask....

 Thank you sir.  

Goran Reljic. Phone Post

 Mike Swick...

Not really his fault, but...

LordCoSaX - Nice watch man.

 Thanks, I stole it off your dad's nightstand.  

Irvin wasn't that awesome at 205 to begin with.

timmyfront - Irvin wasn't that awesome at 205 to begin with.

 That's not the point. 


 George Roop when he cut to 135

Vera Phone Post

 I'm undefeated in the UFC at 205

2-2 at 185



LordCoSaX - 
Tom Lawlor -  I'm undefeated in the UFC at 205

2-2 at 185



Start eating Tom. You can go get your revenge on Bader now that Jones stole his soul.

 I asked the UFC to fight at heavyweight and they politely declined my offer....

Just out of curiousity Tom, why did you drop after a win? I notice Reljic did the same thing.

Paul Ingle :( Phone Post