fighting with contacts

seems like guys would have more of a prolem w/displacement then actually losing one-which would seem worse to me cause now you can't see AND you have a piece of plastic wedged into your tear duct-MM

actually displacement is a bitch cause that thing digs in irritating your eye. not extreme pain or anything but extremely annoying. nothing to tap out for though but sucks if your blinking too much and the opponent is swinging.

seems like it would be real disracting. not something you can just mentally "turn off"

I wear them too. I train with them every day I train. I've done BJJ tournaments too and wore them.

Oddly enough, last night was the first time I had a problem. I was doing MMA sparring and as I got a takedown I felt one move out of place. On the ground I was ok, so I finished the round. Then I just went to the bathroom and moved it back into place. I do carry an extra pair in my bag, just in case, because I cannot drive without them.

"Your nearsightedness + trauma to the orbits puts you at a higher risk for retinal detachment."

I recently had surgery to reattach a retina that detached as a result of an elbow to the eyeball. I am nearsighted (about -7.5) and the above is exactly what my surgeon said. I searched the Interweb and several sites confirmed it (sorry, I don't have links but you could try googling "detached retina"). My surgeon cringed a little when I told him I planned on going back to training (just BJJ although, prior to my injury, I had considered MMA training).

MM, I have an extra pair in the corner. I have had to put them in in between rounds before...but they aren't going to stop a fight to let me put a pair in or look for one.

On a side note, California is really stirct with what they allow in the locker room - no gatorade, bananas or anything except sealed water. In fact, they took my coaches cancer medication, lol. In any case, I am getting ready to go out and fight Karo when I hand my corner extra contacts and saline. The commissin asks what it is and I tell them. They stop me and tell me I can't fight in contacts and that I have to take them out. I freak out and explain I can't see without them. First, they tell me "well, we aren't going to stop a fight so you can put another one in." I told them thats fine that I would put them in in between rounds if need be. Then they tell me I have to take them out anyway because they could cut my eye and are dangerous. I just lose it. I am basically yelling at the guy and telling him they are soft contacts and that it is much more unsafe for me to fight without being able to see. So finally I just say, look, you guys go make Karo take his out too and we can both feel our way around the cage or I am not fighting. With about a minute to go before the fight, Big John came back and smoothed things over - thank god. California is fucking nuts. I would be more than happy to never fight there again.

thanks nick, funny story. someday, someone at work will ask me that question and i will have an answer AND a source. thats intragold right there-MM

Didn't Kim lose a contact in the Royce fight?


I got a contact lens knocked out of my eye in the UGGP. Compliments of Sourcheese!

lol. lots of good stuff to watch out for. definitely walking in with the extra contacts for in between rounds then.

Karo does

Nothing wrong with fighting with Soft Contact lenses.

I try to drop a few eye drops in my eyes before the fights. I also bring a spare set of contacts to the fights (although I am not sure if I would be able to pop them in with my gloves on, within the alloted min. break)

I almost NEVER lose my contacts in training...but Have had them knocked out in four different fights. My vision is -4.75 in both eyes...Which made those fights difficult to "Gut it out"...but I did the best I could. (1-3 in those 4 fights)

*Here is a video...from one of my loses~~~>I know most people wouldn't post the video...but it is a pretty good here it is

Watch as my contact lands on the camera lens*

I don't want to only have a video of a loss on here is another Video of me

cool vid ray. no wrries. saw your highlight. you kick ass despite the contact incident.