Filipinos Americans in the UFC?

fedor's mom is 1/2 filipino

That is so funny. Every Filipino thinks they can sing.

and DAnce...

filipino women are GREAT dancers... especially when their in my lap

Vera is a jelous mofo............look at the look of disgust on his face of Mike Fowler and my happiness together with our lobster.................

Veras jelousy = bad for the sport!

On a similar note....

I took daniel LIMA (brazilian based in AUS) to fight Eban KANESHIRO in Manilla - I think fearless Fighting from memmory....

Still cant get a tape :(  Lost contact with peep's over there.  Good mob of people think technology failed us.

would love to hear from any cats over there interested in fighting in australia on mine

Justin LAWRENCE  (remove 7's)

that kid with his thumb up looks part filipino

who'd eat lobster in Philippines??

ASO all the way ;)


The UFC does not have a 135Lb weight class. Hence, not many philipino fighters. (jk)

XFC / Justin

you've got mail, re:  the Manila MMA event


manny pacquiao is norweigian...

I top all those fools

TTT for Vera. The Great Brown Hope in the UFC HW class..

and how does he carries himselves?

Hansen is just an extreme mestizo.


Does anyone know how big MMA or BJJ has gotten in the Philippines?

I'm asking cause maybe there will be the Manny Pacquiao of MMA if it ever gets big out there

i think there mma event there URCC is still going.and there are mma gyms all over.ufc and pride are shown in tv,old ones.after thailand they might be the best in muay thai(neck and neck with japan).boxing of course is top notch.good wrestling and they have one black belt,sum brown and purples teaching bjj all over.

"i think there mma event there URCC is still going."

Yep -- check 'em out at, looks like they had their 8th show in May. just came back online, too.

No way is the PI second best in the world in Muay Thai, though ... there's Holland, Australia, lots of better countries... let's not go overboard here.