Finish rate of female fights in the UFC

 It struck me after watching last nights card. Arethere any comparrisons between male and female finish rates in the UFC?

In the beginning it seemed like nearly every female fight ended in a finish. Now not so much.

Or is it just me?

UFC released some numbers about a month ago. One of the women’s divisions had the highest percentage of fights go to a decision and it also had the longest average fight time.

remove Ronda fights from the stats and it can’t be good

On a positive note, I'm usually able to "finish" taking a dump or getting some food or whatever while they fight. 

they need a WUFC and have everything seperate but equal.  put on 1 or 2 cards a year, stack the shit out of them and call it a day.  they will get a few buys and the people that actually care about the sport never have to think about them again.  what a shit show of gigantic proportions what ever that was last night.

I don’t know about finishes but I’m like 27/30 picking the over in women’s fights 


On a positive note, I'm usually able to "finish" taking a dump or getting some food or whatever while they fight. 

yeah fitch used to cover that spot for me. now that wimminz are in the ufc i get extra oppritunities to evacuate my bowls during a fight card.

RightHandOfDOOM -

On a positive note, I'm usually able to "finish" taking a dump or getting some food or whatever while they fight. 

yeah fitch used to cover that spot for me. now that wimminz are in the ufc i get extra oppritunities to evacuate my bowls during a fight card.

Forget what card it was but one of the upcoming PPVs has two irrelevant women’s fights. Unacceptable 


On a positive note, I'm usually able to "finish" taking a dump or getting some food or whatever while they fight. 

WMMA, the 10 minute drum solo of the live UFC event (aka, restroom rush)

They should only broadcast women title fights because top 1-3 women usually are great.

all other women fights should go to invicta

RoyNelsonsTVDinner -

On a positive note, I'm usually able to "finish" taking a dump or getting some food or whatever while they fight. 

WMMA, the 10 minute drum solo of the live UFC event (aka, restroom rush)

As a drummer, I'm gonna have to disagree. More like the BASS solo lol


On a positive note, I'm usually able to "finish" taking a dump or getting some food or whatever while they fight. 

Same, i see the women fights on a card as a toilet/food break time. 

I didn't make this thread to bash female fighters I was just genuinely curious. If I remember correctly there was a +90% finish rate for the first year or more of females being in the UFC. I even remember the female fights being some of the most exciting fights on the card. I wonder if the skill level has evened more out. I don't think it's because it's gotten worse.

Kong Morten -

I didn't make this thread to bash female fighters I was just genuinely curious. If I remember correctly there was a +90% finish rate for the first year or more of females being in the UFC. I even remember the female fights being some of the most exciting fights on the card. I wonder if the skill level has evened more out. I don't think it's because it's gotten worse.

The whole "women put on the best fights" thing was overblown from the start. Mostly a lot of women fights featured underdeveloped talent which means blowouts fights and finishes due to lack of technique.

Nowadays the skill level has risen a little, so you just see less of that, though its still there. Shevchenko is about to fight for the 125 title agaisnt a 4-2 fighter.