First look at Brown vs. Aldo!

This fight should be awesome!!!!!!!


Fight of the year candidate IMO, big fan of both fighters, can't wait for this matchup.

This is one of those fights where it's almost impossible to pick a favourite. Gonna be awesome!

mike brown

 I agree. I think Aldo is gonna be a major test for Brown. Also think Brown is Aldo'sbiggest test to date. This is one of those match-ups that will probably have a different result if they fought more than once.

caliphornia - mike brown

 I am a huge fan of your highlight vids. Any chance of  Shane Carwin one coming up soon?

ICantSeeHowDoneIAm -  I agree. I think Aldo is gonna be a major test for Brown. Also think Brown is Aldo'sbiggest test to date. This is one of those match-ups that will probably have a different result if they fought more than once.

I don't disagree with that statement. It's going to be Aldo's speed and explosiveness against Brown's strength and power. Whoever can impose their will (can Aldo keep it standing and utilize his superior quickness to sharpshoot or will Brown take him down and methodically wear him out) will come out with the victory.