Fisher vs. Leonard Garcia @ UFC 60

Just added.

Anyone know anything about Garcia?


UFC called looking for someone to fight Spencer. I pushed Alvin immediately, but as you know he was already booked in TKO. We (UFC, TKO, and myself) tried to work around it but too much was already in place.

Leonard was the next fighter in line on my list. Being the former ROF champ and having a 13-1 record sealed the deal.

The cool thing is now Alvin is on the "A" list and will get his UFC call as well.

Good for Leonard and good for Alvin.

what happened to Jason Chambers

Leonard is scrappy as fuck. I'm not sure if he matches up with Spencer Fisher very well, but the guy is hard as hell to finish, and he's very exciting to watch.

Garcia is to Fisher what Zuluzinho is to Minotauro.

Except Garcia actually has some skills and an impressive record.

They're trying to build up Fisher. Nothing wrong with that.

A "Tiki Barber"??

I was at the gym today, and somone asked Spencer who he was fighting now. Spencers reply was, "someone better". So obviously he has respect for this guy. Ill be interested in seeing it.

It really doesn't matter to me who Spencer's opponent is, as long as I get to see him fight.

what happened to jason chambers?

Spencer will smoke regardless.


ttt for zuffa putting spencer on the ppv

Everyone is dangerous these days. I don't care who you are!


Leonard is a cool dude and a tough as nails fighter. He has very legit boxing skills and is at least a purple in BJJ. I fought on the same card as him the last Ring of Fire and we hung out a bit in the back. I asked him how he felt about making a comeback as I was a fan of his when he fought a few years ago. He told me that he was ready again and that he had the fire back.

This kid can bang and I really believe that his ground skills are very sneaky.

 I like Fisher a lot and I really think that this will be a good fight!

TTT for Sven and ROF. Sven knows whats best for fighters who have fought on his cards and if you give Sven 100% he will push you toward the UFC when they come calling.


Jason "Mr. TV guy" I was hoping to see you fight Spencer.  I think it was a good matchup.  Good luck with the tv show.

TTT for the KING

Fisher's gonna have to put out the FIRE!

" What I was trying to say without saying it was they might be using Leonard as a "Tiki Barber" for Spencer to build him up."

Tiki Barber? WTF?

Chambers has seen The King dance and decided that he would have none of it.

Spencer Fisher
Spencer Fisher
The King
Pro Record:
5' 7"
Weight Range:
Miletich Martial Arts
Miletich Fighting System
Home City:
Home State:
Home Country:
Pat Miletich
Monte Cox