Fletch Blog: Fedor/UFC article at www.lowkick.com

Daniel Fletcher, www.lowkick.com


Fedor, The Ultimate FaceThePain Championship and "The New Breed of Heavyweight"....

Caused quite a stir on sherdog - got me another ban, got 2 users who reposted the article a ban, and was the straw the broke the camels back - Team Takeover is finally an official blacklisted enemy of sherdog.

However, I feel it is a legitimate news piece.

Enjoy the article.

Team Takeover

Good read. I agree with most of what was written. Phone Post

livedevil - 
1felch - Daniel Felcher, www.matbattle.com



However, I feel I should also come out here.

Enjoy the faggotry.

Team Takeover

Oh, thanks little guy.

MMA fans are such positive, mature people.

Dear God.... if only the Gracies had never taken this shit to America......

Put out negativity, and your life will be nothing BUT negativity. Just take a step back, cunt, and enjoy the fights, appreciate the fighters, and be positive.


tomp6581 - Good read. I agree with most of what was written.



 Thank you Kirik.

Article has gained 15000 hits so far, been posted across the boards, and has been deleted (to my knowledge) 5 times on sherdog.net.

The baying cry of sherdog mods cannot drown out the voices of Fedor's legion of fans... the truth is out there. Zuffa LLC's propaganda can not defeat the internet.


one most intellectual post in MMA so far.. It makes the so called "MMA experts" like Luke Thomas, Tomas Rios, Jake Rossen , Iole, Cofield look like amateurs

only criticism I have is that you mention that Cro Cop was signed by the UFC "far past his prime", when he signed after winning the OWGP. He couldn't have gone that far downhill in 5 months

 Link won't work for me will someone post the article?


Gullivers Travels - only criticism I have is that you mention that Cro Cop was signed by the UFC "far past his prime", when he signed after winning the OWGP. He couldn't have gone that far downhill in 5 months

 Mirko was already past his physical prime when he won the Grand Prix.

His physical, athletic prime was at its peak from 1998 to 2003..... he was noticeably slower thenceforth, and his reflexes - as with anyone's - dulled.... throughout his twenties, he was lightning quick, and had razor sharp, catlike reflexes. What he did gain from 2003 onwards was improved submission defence, an even better sprawl, and according to Werdum, a decent overall ground game.

That is what won Mirko the GP. But that was his last hurrah - it was too late for him to go and learn to face the UFC wrestleboxers in a wide cage..... he was used to the ring, and slowing down.

Any more feedback on the article would be appreciated, fellas

threestars35 - one most intellectual post in MMA so far.. It makes the so called "MMA experts" like Luke Thomas, Tomas Rios, Jake Rossen , Iole, Cofield look like amateurs

 I appreciate that, cheers mate.

Another one out now on Aoki

1fletch - 
Gullivers Travels - only criticism I have is that you mention that Cro Cop was signed by the UFC "far past his prime", when he signed after winning the OWGP. He couldn't have gone that far downhill in 5 months

 Mirko was already past his physical prime when he won the Grand Prix.

His physical, athletic prime was at its peak from 1998 to 2003..... he was noticeably slower thenceforth, and his reflexes - as with anyone's - dulled.... throughout his twenties, he was lightning quick, and had razor sharp, catlike reflexes. What he did gain from 2003 onwards was improved submission defence, an even better sprawl, and according to Werdum, a decent overall ground game.

That is what won Mirko the GP. But that was his last hurrah - it was too late for him to go and learn to face the UFC wrestleboxers in a wide cage..... he was used to the ring, and slowing down.

Any more feedback on the article would be appreciated, fellas

You don't know what "wrestleboxer" means judging from this statement. And if you're going to use the term, I demand you pay me royalties because I invented it


 Is that right?

I was being charitable, I should have just said huge wrestlers with no cardio.... sorry, I mean the "New breed of Heavyweight"

 Get the fuck out, you fucking shit cunt. I'm sure even Lane wouldn't want some brain dead slug such as yourself giving props. "Shame his cronies have about 1/10th the personality he does", who the fuck are you referring to? So because I write legit articles and use swear words considerably less than Lane, I have less personality? Get the fuck out of here you infantile, slimy little boy.

Thanks for regurgitating all the usual criticism of our work. Valid

JimmersonzGlove - 
Gullivers Travels - only criticism I have is that you mention that Cro Cop was signed by the UFC "far past his prime", when he signed after winning the OWGP. He couldn't have gone that far downhill in 5 months

 I think Cro Cop & Chuck kind of had similar apex's of their careers. Chuck always wanted to prove he was the better 205er than Silva...and Cro Cop always wanted to win a Granx Prix. He tried in both K-1 and Pride...when he finally won the 2006 OWGP it seemed like that was the peak of the mountain for him and he was never the same since. Same with Chuck after the Wand win...that's the best Chuck ever looked, IMO.

Good article man. TTT

 Thank you Art!

The man who changed the meaning of one glove from "power to the people", to "epic shit will transpire!"

Only thing the author got wrong was including Duffee is his UFC list (since he got cut)!

strykr619 - I would have taken your article serious except for the fact that you label Lesnar as "vulnuerable" to submissions. He has been submitted once so far and it was obvious he was green. Considering how decorated Fedor is and he was submitted with ease by Werdum..... You come off as a nut rider... 

Congrats. Once again the Fedor posse rides strong. 


How many submissions has Lesnar been in which he has escaped? How many times has he tapped?

How many submissions has Fedor been in which he has escaped? How many times has he tapped?

End of your feeble arguement.