flying to oakland today

on hawaiian to oakland right now. this sux. gonna hit yoshis tomorrow night. game over

Good luck, don't get shot! home town!!! awesome.

Also the home of Too $hort, one of my fav old skool rappers. Inventor of the "Dope Fiend Beat." True story, my brother and i bought one of his tapes out of his car back in 1985...this is back when he was only known in the Oakland clubs.

Life is.....

home of the MC Hammer pants!




good lord. just landed. oh brutha....

 rip fctv

I hope your wearing purple

It keeps the blue/red gangsters confused.

 There are some parts of Oakland that are very nice...the parts that border Berkley and Alameda somewhat...Montclair area has all the rich folks as well as Oakland Hills...


Stay away from most of it though....There is also a brand spankin new Yoshi's in the redeveloped part of Lower Fillmore in San Francisco.

RIP any "gangster" thinking to punk the "weak" asian with glasses that is fctv808.

FearMir -

There are some parts of Oakland that are very nice...the parts that border Berkley and Alameda somewhat...Montclair area has all the rich folks as well as Oakland Hills...

Stay away from most of it though....There is also a brand spankin new Yoshi's in the redeveloped part of Lower Fillmore in San Francisco.

so you don't recommend the one that's in oakland. was planning on trying to find it tomorrow night.

 I'm sure it's great and it is the OG.  If you wanted something NOT in Oakland though and wanted to try sosmething brand new, SF is where it's at.

Are you eating at Yoshi's?  Or for teh Jazz? 

Yoshi's SF is part of Dine About Town this week in San Francisco where you could try 3 course tasting menus for 22 dollars at lunch or 32 for dinner.  Was going to try to find an open reservations this week if I could.

First Course
Sendai Miso Soup - Tofu, Wakame Seaweed, Negi and Nameko Mushroom ~ served individually
Farmers Organic Leaf Salad - Mixed Field Greens with a Meyer Lemon Tamari Vinaigrette
Spicy Tuna Roll - Maguro, Spicy Sauce, Cucumber

Second Course
Gindara “Black Cod”- Saikyo Msio Marinted with Dashi Shiitake Broth
Manchester Farms Quail - Bamboo Shoot, Enoki and Konnyaku with Dashi Soy Jus

Third Course
“Chokoreto Keki” - Disk of Dark Chocolate Torte, Valrhona Chocolate Sauce, Sugar Beet Ice Cream and Purple Shiso Salt
Warm Cinnamon & Sugar Okinawan Doughnuts - Yamazaki Suntory Whiskey Slurry come you're in Oakland?

I agree w/ Fear Mir; you should def go across the bay for some good eats. Oakland (and anywhere in East Bay for that matter) is ghetto fab.

i have no car. anywhere i go, is gonna be cab or foot. up here for a fuggin meeting in 1.20hrs. i didn't sleep last night. this sux.

 You can always take the BART and walk!  It's actually nice and warm here in the Bay Area this week.  Have fun.

sitting in a safeway corporate meeting right now at safeway's headquaters in pleasington. jeebus I'm tired. not sure if I'm gonna walk anywhere tonight. prolly head back and sleep this afternoon, wakeup and head to yoshis in oakland. thx for the info fearmir. if for some reason I get a massive energy surge, i'll try to make it out to sf.

in other news, my mainland counterpart maria (who's sitting w me in this meeting) is quite the 5'3" blonde cutie. will try to recruit a yoshis "friend". if so, pics to follow.

chloroform don't fail me now!

douses kerchief in teh form

crosses fingers