Footwork = Running???

Isn't the art of fighting to HIT & NOT GET HIT?!?! I was pulling for Diaz, but about 90% of y'all are FUCKING IDIOTS!!! I bet y'all are the same fools who say Floyd Mayweather runs too, huh??? It's called STICKING AND MOVING and COUNTER-FIGHTING! Nick should have been like Floyd, instead of being an A, B, or C fighter, you gotta be ABC & 123, the ABILITY to ADJUST IS KEY!!!

What FOOL would stand there and trade blow for blow with NICK DIAZ?!?! Why would Carlos play into Nick's style??? I saw Carlos making Diaz WHIFF punches and moving and slipping out of the way. As much of a fan I am of Nick, he was VERY WRONG for what he was saying and SHOULD NOT RETIRE.

How can he say he was using Octagon Control when he didn't land hardly ANYTHING of any effect? It's nice to have a granite chin or should I say a Diamond Chin, but you're an IDIOT if you think it's cool to be able to take clean punches and kicks. Um, Nick, HE IS STILL SCORING ON YOU! 

Carlos controlled the pace and fought HIS OWN FIGHT, he didn't get suckered into fighting Nick's fight. IF YOU CAN'T MOVE, YOU CAN'T BEAT A DIAZ. But guess what, Carlos CAN and DID move, he fought GREAT off the back foot and showed heart, cardio, and beautiful Muay Thai....

I think the majority of y'all are butthurt that Diaz lost. Like I said I was pulling for Nick, but he had at most a couple of good flurries that DID NOTHING. Then he scored a late takedown, and THAT'S IT! He should have changed up his gameplan and adjusted but NO, his flatfooted style just got leg kicked away and beat to the punch....A fighter with Footwork, Cardio and good Striking beats Nick....

Agreed. Great post.

Watch boxing for boxing footwork this is different its MMA


I guess Ali and Sugar Ray sucked!

MMA fans are so behind.

Carlos should have let Diaz back him into the cage. Diaz couldn't hit him when he was moving around like that, so it wasn't a fair fight.

"Anderson Silva has incredible footwork

Carlos turned his back and ran to the opposite side of the cage.

That was not footwork from Carlos, that was blatant running. Especially with how much he turned his back to Nick."

Quoted for truth.

Exactly. Freddie Roach mentioned the lack of footwork on Diaz' part and you tards gave him shit for it.

Anderson Silva has incredible footwork

Carlos turned his back and ran to the opposite side of the cage.

That was not footwork from Carlos, that was blatant running. Especially with how much he turned his back to Nick.

 Hmmm.....Condit must be like Nightcrawler.....cause I didn't know you could run....AND outstrike the same time. HMMMMM!!!

ENZO007 - Anderson Silva has incredible footwork

Carlos turned his back and ran to the opposite side of the cage.

That was not footwork from Carlos, that was blatant running. Especially with how much he turned his back to Nick.

Post a gif of him "turning his back and running to the opposite side of the cage" or shut the fuck up. That's a blatant lie.

ken amtrack - Watch boxing for boxing footwork this is different its MMA

Incredibly retarded comment.

ENZO007 - Anderson Silva has incredible footwork

Carlos turned his back and ran to the opposite side of the cage.

That was not footwork from Carlos, that was blatant running. Especially with how much he turned his back to Nick.

Oh yeah you're right, I'm guessing Diaz's face all fucked up was because Carlos was "running" right? Carlos EASILY controlled the distance with his kicks and DID NOT let himself be cornered and pounded like a heavy bag.

Carlos should have gotten sucked into fighting the Diaz fight like BJ Penn and get beaten to a bloody mess right?


Diaz fights ONE DIMENSIONAL, FLATFOOTED, and looks to have no VERSATILITY in his gameplans. If you get pressured and get stationary you LOSE to Nick. If you use ring smarts and ring generalship, you can BEAT Diaz. Phone Post

"Deaf Forever" self proclaimed fact perfect

 I don't like the particular way in which Condit moved around the ring, therefore I hate him.

ENZO007 - Anderson Silva has incredible footwork

Carlos turned his back and ran to the opposite side of the cage.

That was not footwork from Carlos, that was blatant running. Especially with how much he turned his back to Nick.

 I'll agree that Condit fought a smart fight, but I thought he would have brought the fight to Diaz more.  I thought he would have landed more power shots and I thought he would have tried to hurt Diaz more.

He admits that Jackson told him to stay on your bike and pepper shots for a decision.  Got the win, but neither of them can be sour if the fans don't like it.

Carlos promised a fight and did not live up to his end of the bargain win/lose/draw/wuss

Offensive footwork V Defensive footwork there may be a difference

ken amtrack - Diaz promised a fight and could not live up to his end of the bargain...and lost


ENZO007 - Anderson Silva has incredible footwork

Carlos turned his back and ran to the opposite side of the cage.

That was not footwork from Carlos, that was blatant running. Especially with how much he turned his back to Nick.

Carlos turned his back to avoid getting stuck against the cage where every fighter loses against Diaz.

If Carlos was running all night, how did he manage to hit Diaz more?

Wasa-B -
ENZO007 - Anderson Silva has incredible footwork

Carlos turned his back and ran to the opposite side of the cage.

That was not footwork from Carlos, that was blatant running. Especially with how much he turned his back to Nick.

Carlos turned his back to avoid getting stuck against the cage where every fighter loses against Diaz.

If Carlos was running all night, how did he manage to hit Diaz more?

Don't use logic man! They'll hang you! Lol these idiots just talkin shit. Phone Post