Forget Aircraft Carriers: The U.S. Navy Has an 'Achilles Heel'

I thought Trump totally rebuilt our armed services?


You don’t neuter and introduce wokeness to the armed services for over 8 years and expect Trump to fix it in 4.


I’d have to look it up but I remember a ship that was set on fire in San Diego harbor a few years ago. Was a real fishy storyline. Some kid got the blame for arson but there was no real evidence to support it and it seemed like it was just mismanagement and shitty leadership. Flammables left all over the place, protocols not being followed etc. not to mention the ship was already behind schedule for being repaired/upgraded. I think there was another similar story around the same time with another ship going up in flames as well. Not a good look

Who wants to serve in a woke military?


The shipyards cannot produce the ships.
The lack of workers and supplies needed to keep up with China will change the Navy future doctrine and strategy.

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I vaguely remember the story of the ship fire and someone being blamed for it, but I never looked into it past the headlines.

And now I have three days to look it up before I’m allowed to post in this thread again. What a stupid rule. Even if you want to kill the forum there are better ways to do it


The Space Force didn’t fix it? Maybe in couple more years?

Where was the fire-watch? Where was Safety?

Trump isnt the Pres.

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Wokeness is just a symptom of the real issue. The dumb are wildly outbreeeding the smart. In 90 years the world’s average IQ will have dropped 15 points.
Already our intelligence has dropped for couple generations making it only natural that dumb ideas like wokeness will chip away at reason and science.
All while people are sweating stuff like the environment the real destruction of man is happening right in front of our eyes at a staggering pace and few even accept its existence.


I would say it’s Achilles heel is rum, sodomy and the lash.


Chief Of Naval Operations…



This generation of kids watched a war that lasted 20 years with no resolution fuck up the generation before them.


This generation of kids was too busy on social media watching woke vids to pay attention to a war.

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This is one of the most reasonable comments so far.

In WW1, WW2, Korea (sort of) and Desert Storm we WON.

People hate it when they feel their labor, sacrifice and lives are utterly wasted. This REALLY matters to morale and recruitment.

What else also really matters is when woke generals blather on about “wanting to understand white rage”. A general saying that is the most unself aware things I can image.

Do you know what white people are angry about? Its not other races existing and doing well. It’s about them being blamed and demonized for things they had nothing to do with. Whites are “raging” about generals blathering about “White rage”.


China is a paper tiger. Their “navy” can’t operate outside of support from their land based aircraft. Get them into blue water and they can’t function past the horizon.

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We have an entire generation of children being raised to hate this country.

We have an agenda being pushed on children to hate themselves for being born as a straight white male.

I wonder why the US military isn’t meeting their recruitment goals.

China has to ship all of their maritime shipping through the Malacca straits. If it gets real, the US Navy with its many aircraft carriers will blockade the straits and bring China to its knees quickly. China knows this and is desperate to build the overland silk road to send the shipping overland. The USA know this as well. We will just carpet bomb the 15 lane highways and multiple rail lines they are building. China isn’t doing anything.


Watch the movie Idiocracy, it’s our future.


Future? Shit, if we’re lucky it will improve to that point.