Found Bobby Hoffman Prison Letter


What do you know a convicted pedophile in Gerald Strebendt is posting prison letters sent to him by a convicted wife beater. GTFO you kid fucker


Lol!! Five stripe blue, i wouldnt be on here if the entire thing didnt get overturned in court and then dismissed! Go back to bed


Tough spot reading this.

I mean one of my greatest friends was charged with rape yet all he did was have consensual sex with a chick that was in a relationship.

But rather then own up to cheating she lied and said she was raped and the whole scenario really fucked up my friend.

He got onto hard drugs and actually overdosed and was found unresponsive by his mother. Revived he spent nearly 3 weeks in a coma before he came to.

Regardless women accuse men of shit all the time and it sticks despite no crimes being commited.

Whatever happened here it got dealt with and we should leave it be and let Gerald live and learn like he has and not hold this over him.

This place is a great place to be and vent and talk to people he should be allowed to do this without people holding shit over his head which they know nothing about.

I’m all for reform and in my eyes you are a reformed warrior Gerald. Fuck the haters bud.


No worries. It got overturned by the higher court and then the DA dismissed the entire case. If i was a sex offender i wouldnt be here.


Another story came to mind of a guy on the work crew just talking to a girl got charges pressed on him. Just talking lol nothing else.

Chin up bud and thanks for sharing this letter from one of the wildest men in MMA history!

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Not a problem… its been over 20 years ago and people on here were just wondering what ever happened to him…

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You have a long history of deadly force against people from road rage to your time with blackwater killing innocent people in the Middle East. Why was your conviction overturned? Was it because the underage children you molested lied or due to legalities?


Yea this was cool to read he really seemed to be coming onto Christ here. Prison reform working a bit I suppose?

His writing looks like mine oddly enough. The third page when he said he’s been training harder then ever then asks “burbies” ever hear of them"

I’m thinking he means burpees which is funny because I probabaly did 4-500 of them last night and was left exhausted.

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I don’t know anything about OP, but I know women are FUCKING VINDICTIVELY crazy. I read the links above. Not here to shit on the guy.

Knew a guy that got 12 rape charges against him for banging all the girls at a private school. They all thought he was “their” boyfriend. Meanwhile, he was getting with all of them. Stupid high school shit. Once the girls found out, they all accused him of rape. Every count got thrown out of court, but that will stick to him for the rest of his life.

And then there’s this crazy story.


The Op is Gerald Strebendt and it’s not a vindictive women who he sexually assaulted, but a 14 year old girl who was one of his BJJ students. He made her have to testify at a trial, where he was ultimately convicted and forced to register as a sex offender.


I wasnt forced to have to register, i appealed the lower courts verdict, the supreme court agreed with me, then the DA dismissed the entire case. You obviously have come here with an agenda and thats fine but the fact of the matter is that the entire case was overturned and then dismissed, or i wouldnt be here and i would have to register as a sex offender.

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I do not have a dog in this fight, but if you’re going to say that. Post the link, should take all of 30seconds.

The guy I was referring to above with the 12 false accusations. I was in a legal class in high school 500+ miles away from the private school and totally unrelated. The teacher presented that case/situation and claimed the guy was in jail for life.

This is before the internet. I raised my hand and informed him, that he was wrong and i was just at a wedding with the guy last weekend. He blew me off and told the class I was wrong. The next week I brought in photos from the wedding and showed the teacher. He still refused to acknowledge his mistake and wouldn’t tell the class he was wrong.

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Weirdly enough there’s nothing online that says your court case was overturned. You were convicted in April 2019 to 2 years and 4 months of jail time, which means that you being able to post here had nothing to do with your claim that your conviction was overturned. You being a convicted sex offender also does not preclude you from posting on the UG. Post evidence that your case was overturned if you want to clear your name you CHOMO.


Damn This Thread Took A Turn.

I have about 5 Letters From Jeremy Jackson. Damn its been a long time for him.


I dont see any evidence this happened. The sentence you were given says you should be out by now and on probation. Nothing to stop you from posting on the internet. Are you saying you arent on probation?


I’m filling a FOIA to the Lane County Courts office and Lane County Jails requesting proof of anything @GSTREBENDT is claiming. Until he provides any proof he’s a pedo chomo


Yeah OK


Hope you’re not supporting a chomo