Fox Fallon:
“I’d like the world to know that I deserve the right to compete in women’s MMA. I have trained hard for this, sacrificed relationships, invested money to attempt to accomplish my goal of being the best female MMA fighter I can be. I am a woman. A woman who happens to fall into the category of post operative transsexual. Just like there are black women, lesbian women, disabled women, and other types of women… there are trans women. We are just another type in the category of women.”
“There is a misconception out there that post operative transsexual women have an automatic advantage over women born with complete female anatomy. This is simply not true. The general public needs to be aware of this and we are hoping to shed light on this misconception.”
“I can not wait to fight again. And I would like to take my skills to the highest levels and promotions that I can.”
Although this issue is new to MMA, it is not a new issue. There are precedents. The Olympics have had to address the issue of transgender athletes being allowed to compete, and in 2004 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) ruled that individuals who underwent sex reassignment after puberty could compete, but only under the following conditions:
Surgical changes must have been completed, including external genitalia changes and removal of gonads.
Legal recognition of their assigned sex must have been conferred by appropriate official authorities.
Hormone therapy — for the assigned sex — must have been given for long enough to minimize any gender-related advantages in sport competitions, a period that must be at least two years after gonadectomy.
Full Report
Let it fight Nick Newel first...then Cyborg if it loses.
Put her in the cage with Cyborg and lets gets this party started.
I don't think she has earned the right to fight women.
She lived most of her life as a male, developed muscle as a male, has a male bone structure etc...
She could compete at an even playing field with males before, and decided to negate that, other women shouldn't be punished for it.
yeahh.. I'm going to go ahead and say fuck no to this.. just aint fair to the actual born ladies.
I'm all for transgender rights and what not.. but you cant just snip your bits off, pop a few pills then go start fighting women.
that's just straight up nuts of you ask me.
maybe a transgender division.. might work. but i can't imagine there would be enough talent/interest to ever start something like that.
and NEVER in a major promotion.
The only woman stronger than Cyborg.
eXtv - Put her in the cage with Cyborg and lets gets this party started.
This. For the Hormone Therapy Championship of the Free World. 
If she gets the Ok, I'm cheering for her to get brutally KO'd.
Using the advancement of tolerance when you hid your sex change until now is despicable. If you were so proud and sure you had no advantage why hide it until now?
Get stuffed.
By concealing it and making a big deal when caught or ready or whatever has happened she hoped that her record or friends in the sport would influence it being less of deal. Ironically it is now more of a big deal and dishonest.
It's not like a few years ago was DRASTICALLY a different place towards gays and transgender people.
You may be considered a woman completely under the law but sport has it's own set of issues, your choice gave you a resposibilty to be honest and Ironically you could have been a trailblazer and icon for transgender people in MMA.
Instead you are now a dishonest controversy your past opponents get to complain about being dishonest.
I'm sorry, I'm all for gay rights, transgendered rights, etc. I have friends and family members in the LGBT community. But athletics is one place that transgendered people do not belong. It's a line that we don't have enough medical science behind to really know what the effects will be, and not to mention, a man jaw is a lot stronger than a womans jaw, bone structure in general, and that's a huge advantage.
11the11s - One important thing that never seems to be addressed is the vision advantage males have over females... men perceive depth better due to the physical makeup of the eye... (more rods than cones) and women perceive colour at a greater level. Can't change those...
There are multiple issues like that, that muddy the water of this. She can get all sorts of pro-sex change doctors to give statements on the non-difference and even playing field and all that just as much as people against this with money can buy they side from a "Professional".
Point is you are NEVER going to completely rule out with science that EVERYTHING is taken care of with Hormones or whatever, there are too many variables, this isn't a machine changing a major part this is major system overhaul with residual abilities not fully understood and not even all known.
UGCTT Molsonmuscle360 -
I'm sorry, I'm all for gay rights, transgendered rights, etc. I have friends and family members in the LGBT community. But athletics is one place that transgendered people do not belong. It's a line that we don't have enough medical science behind to really know what the effects will be, and not to mention, a man jaw is a lot stronger than a womans jaw, bone structure in general, and that's a huge advantage.
Amen just said the same thing
brahmabull81 - Its not a misconception. Being born with man muscles and a cock is NOT the same as being born a black woman or whatever the fuck shes trying to say. Its NOT AT ALL fair to the girls who were born with female strength and hormones.
This. What kind of fucking idiot would argue that there's NO advantage in being a "woman" born with the physical body of a man. A misconception, my ass. 
Everything she achieves would be tainted and questioned constantly, and would allow the PC gestapo to make villains out of good people for perfectly valid concerns.
This is a joke
I have no issue with transgender, gays, lesbians, or anyone else for that matter...
But this is no. Just no. It has nothing to do with rights or morals or any of that, she just shouldn't be allowed to fight woman. I don't care how much time or money she invested. It was all her choice, that doesn't give her the right.
Honestly this is the exact same scenario if a woman upped her testosterone levels to compete against men. AC aren't going to let a juiced up woman fight men, why should they let an estrogened up man fight a woman?