Frank Mir is the Devil.

 Frank Mir bet Adolf Hitler $20 that he couldn't fit 4 million Jews in an oven......while Hitler walked away with a crisp, clean $20 bill, it's Mir who considers himself the winner.

Frank Mir - Instigated the Holocaust.

(PS...... Too soon?)

frank mir took a big mcdonalds shit and didnt have the common decency to give a courtesy flush.

and the above post is wrong. wrong, but funny.

Shanks - Newsflash from the future:

November 15, 2016 . . . Frank Mir sends a young Tito Ortiz, Jr. a compilation dvd entitled 'Mommy's Best Work'.

holy shit dude

that is fuking funny


Mama says he is the devil

Frank Mir is the one who kept Prop 8 from getting passed in California.

Frank Mir told Fedor to sign the Video Game deal or get the fuck out of the UFC

frank mir handed out red white and blue toilet paper on veterans day. what an asshole.

I saw him on TV sitting on a stool, at an island, in someone's kitchen talking to a guy named Chris Hanson...weird?...

Not sure what he was doing there?

Frank took a shit on my lawn and then wiped his ass with my dog. I hate that fucker.

 For several years, Frank Mir adopts an orphaned child once a month....

He files all of the correct paperwork, sits through the interviews, and even meets with a couple of candidates. After the state agents give their approval, and the final week of red tape is dealt with, Frank writes the young, hopeful child. He writes of swingsets, puppydogs and Santa grandparents and birthday cakes....brothers and sisters and a place to call home....

A whole new world for one lucky child....

Come adoption day, the young child sits out on the steps of the orphanage, bags packed, smiling from ear to ear as he dreams of better days to come....10AM comes quickly...noon follows suit....3PM comes and goes, and before the child knows it, the sun has fallen, and rain has started to fall in the darkness....

Exactly one week later, Frank takes a picture with a random young child at an amusement park, holding an ice cream cone in one hand and a Labrador puppy in the other....he sends it to the distraught and heartbroken child at the orphanage, and attatched to the picture is a note, with three simple yet devastating words....

"Found someone better!"

Frank Mir - Shattering the dreams of orphans since 2001.

Frank Mir is the guy in the boat that Van Der Sloot sold Natalie Holloway too in Aruba for $9,600.,2933,457144,00.html

 Frank Mir likes to knit sweaters.

Of course, by "knit" I mean "kick".....and by "sweaters".....

.....I mean "babies".

Frank Mir dared me to ignore the "NO SMOKING" sign............ON THE HINDENBURG!!!!

Frank Mir googled the phrase: "How to cause the end of the world + repopulate + with Miley Cyrus"

RaginRedneck169 - Frank Mir is the one who kept Prop 8 from getting passed in California.

... just so he could break the hearts of all the men he had promised to marry.

If you hear the phrase "Kooter Booter!!!" shouted from a close range, directly behind you, then you are most likely a 13 year old Middle Eastern girl about to be kicked in the vagina, toes up, from a steel toe yielding Frank Mir....aside from the emotional trauma of an unprovoked 240lb American kick-fucking her happy-land, the young girl will also have to cope with an obliterated hymen, and eventually come to terms with the fact that no man in her society, sharing the same cultural and moral values, will want her without her virginal seed....

Frank Mir - Cunt-punting virginity since 1995.

brianmeyers - If you hear the phrase "Kooter Booter!!!" shouted from a close range, directly behind you, then you are most likely a 13 year old Middle Eastern girl about to be kicked in the vagina, toes up, from a steel toe yielding Frank Mir....aside from the emotional trauma of an unprovoked 240lb American kick-fucking her happy-land, the young girl will also have to cope with an obliterated hymen, and eventually come to terms with the fact that no man in her society, sharing the same cultural and moral values, will want her without her virginal seed....

Frank Mir - Cunt-punting virginity since 1995.

WOW! FUCKING WOW!! Hilarious. Winner of the thread I would have to say. Nicely done Brian

Apparently as a child, he was a shit disturber starting at the age of 2 trapping & killing animals to which his parents thought it was a phase. At the age of 3, he moved up the animal food chain and decided to put his one year old sister in the meat freezer to see what happens. When his mom discovered what he did both his parents made the decision to 'give him up for adoption' to an iffy couple in Vegas and change his last name to Mir to hide any ties with the family. There his new life began. Btw, Frank's birth name was not Mir. The name Mir was used since the couple in Vegas were of slavic descent and the word Mir actually means peace - this was the first of many cover-ups in the life of Frank..

Mirna , (Croatian/Mirna Serbian/?????) is a female name common among Croats and Serbs. Derived from the Slavic element mir, Mirna means "peaceful." It is often confused with the name 'Myrna' (/myrrhna/), which is not Slavic in origin, but Celtic and means "beloved."

 Frank Mir was soley behind the success of Hanson! What a cruel son of a bitch!