Frank Vs Ceasar

Sweet baby jeebus, will it happen?

lets hope so Dougie...lets hope so

I hope that at some point someone shoots lasers out of their eyes and the other responds with lightning bolts from their ass.

This had better be the greatest fight of all time!

LOL @ lasers

ya its been Hyped for it better be good

i just dont think Cesar is gonna be ready for the onslaught Frank will put on him

I'd like to see it end with a good slam ala Igor Zinoviev

Has anyone found out who the 14 people Ceasar fought actually were?

^^^^ LOL

Better yet, has Frank got off the couch to start training for this?

it better happen. got my tickets already

It is much like the Chuck v Tito fight. Once it finally happened nobody really cared. Interest peaked and then fell around the 4th or 5th time they were supposed to fight.

It won't be much of a fight anyways. Most people are only interested in seeing a Gracie lose. I am much more interested in seeing Cung Lee debute.

cung le is fighting MMA or kickboxing?

Does anyone know anything about Ceasar's MMA?

I'll wait til about March 9th to buy a ticket, I just don't believe it's gonna happen

Can someone tell me what is so special about Cung Le?

"Can someone tell me what is so special about Cung Le?"

He's one of the best San Shou guy in the U.S., and he's known for some spectacular throws. On top of that, San Shou combines kickboxing and wrestling, so I think a lot of people are eager to see how much of it is applicable to MMA.

Oh yeah, and I hope that Frank kicks the crap out of Caesar, and if the odds were reasonable, that's the way I would bet.

Will we see this on PPV or cable?

Frank will kill him in the first round---and Nick Diaz will jump in and get beat down as well!

Then in frustration he will attack someone at the hospital

i feel bad for Cesar!..

lol I hope Ceasar doesnt try to sucker punch Frank shamrock at the hospital.

Frank is gonna ko him badly