#FranksFight Family needs help

On October 18th the world lost an amazing man, father, husband, son, bother etc. What neither myself nor Frank realized was that I was too young to claim survivor's benefits. Due to this reason there are remaining bills and expenses from Frank's cancer fight that I am unable to pay. Our sons work and are helping however this was not something we ever expected. We thought everything would be taken care of with the survivors benefits however that is not the case. We need your help to be able to pay off the remaining expenses while also keeping a roof over our heads. Thank you all for any and all support. -

See more at: http://www.youcaring.com/memorial-fundraiser/franksfightfamily/108426#sthash.t2slJOd6.dpuf





I'm sure there are some fighters on here who could donate some signed items to auction to raise some $$$.

I'll try and donate some money on Monday. I hope you and your boys are baring up well. Phone Post 3.0

UGCTT_Benwahwah - I'll try and donate some money on Monday. I hope you and your boys are baring up well. Phone Post 3.0

Thank you it is much appreciated we are doing ok the boys have been trying to pick up more hours at work and been taking care of making sure I am ok. They actually try to schedule their work so that I am never home alone. They really are trying to help since we got hit with the news that we would not get any survivors benefits. 

frankiscool - 

I'm sure there are some fighters on here who could donate some signed items to auction to raise some $$$.

Love the name lol 

frankiscool - 

I'm sure there are some fighters on here who could donate some signed items to auction to raise some $$$.

i will try and help out as much as possible let me know how

FETT_Luvdcuties_FF -
frankiscool - 

I'm sure there are some fighters on here who could donate some signed items to auction to raise some $$$.

Love the name lol 

That's always been his screen name.. Phone Post

UGCTT_CreepysStacheWax - 
FETT_Luvdcuties_FF -
frankiscool - 

I'm sure there are some fighters on here who could donate some signed items to auction to raise some $$$.

Love the name lol 

That's always been his screen name.. Phone Post

I actually knew that however when I hopped on I saw it and it just reminded me of Frank just like the pennies I find always something to remind me he is around ;)

UGCTT_UncleCreepy - 
frankiscool - 

I'm sure there are some fighters on here who could donate some signed items to auction to raise some $$$.

i will try and help out as much as possible let me know how

Just sharing the link and passing the word along. I have totalled up all expenses that I currently owe for Frank and it comes to 4,936.42 so once I raise that I can go on with life and not have to worry about any left over expenses from his cancer or his passing. Taking care of someone's final expenses is not cheap. So sad that I even have to do this however this is the reason I will go on to advocate so others are aware before they end up in the same boat as me. 

Let me talk to the wifey and see what we can come up with...

FETT!!! Phone Post 3.0

FETT_ Cains._Burrito_In_My_BrownEye - Let me talk to the wifey and see what we can come up with...

FETT!!! Phone Post 3.0

Appreciate it but omg ouch on the screenname I take it you lost a bet lol

Creepy and Camozzi have already agreed to help with a project that I'll be able to post very soon to help you guys out, Wendy. I'll let you know as soon as I'm able.



FETT_DiscipleDojo - 

Creepy and Camozzi have already agreed to help with a project that I'll be able to post very soon to help you guys out, Wendy. I'll let you know as soon as I'm able.



Ok Dojo love you guys


Hump Daaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!!!!



Bozzy - Goodluck. I'd help if I had the means but I'm battling my own debt at the moment.

Its badass fighters like uncle creepy are quick to jump on here and offer up support. I know when people see them get behind something they'll be more inclined to do what they can as well.

Thank you I appreciate your comment. Worse case scenario I will auction what is in the house however Frank did not want me to auction anything off he wanted me to keep it so I am trying to avoid that.