Free Dominyka - Mundial Absolute Champ...

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The IBJJF has done it again. This time they are prohibiting 2011 Purple Belt Open Weight World Champion 16 yr old Dominyka Obelenyte from competing in IBJJF tournaments this year because she is underage.

This young woman won the purple belt open weight 2 months BEFORE her 16th birthday! An amazing accomplishment. She competed at NoGi Pan and won but missed NoGi Worlds due to the SAT's. She won the 2012 European Championships but when attempting to register for the 2012 Pan American Championships was told that she would not be able to participate. Her father had already purchased their plane tickets and paid for their trip so they still came out to support the team, even though poor Dominyka was not able to compete.

She showed up at the NY Open to cheer and support her teammates, once again in her street clothes. And more than anything, she would love the opportunity to win back her open weight title and the possibility to win her weight division title. In fact, how can you possibly crown the world champion when the reigning one is prohibited against her will from competing???

Bio -

Facebook petition -

That girl is a beast.

Not surprised at her success.

She used to train at my BJJ school with the kids, and then with the adults although she was like 13. Also did judo with us.. not as good there as in BJJ, but a lot of heart and absolutely no quit in that kid.

Dominyka is awesome at BJJ

Seems like another strange IBJJF rule is being enforced here.

Those who run things should be pleased that talent like hers is growing within the sport and encourage it.

Question is, why was she allowed to compete when she was younger(2009-11). What changed? Liability insurance issue?

To compare, minimum age for judo in the Olympics is 15.

THE OLYMPICS - perhaps they have heard of this event?

A younger boy competed in the blue belt adult division and got hurt, mother sued, and this is the result.

there should be a grandfather clause to the rule and all previous competitors should be allowed to compete.

Sounds like they're enforcing the age rules now wereas they weren't doing so before. No big deal.

Next year this won't even be an issue for her.

SlapUsilly - Sounds like they're enforcing the age rules now wereas they weren't doing so before. No big deal.

Next year this won't even be an issue for her.

Thing is, if adult rank is allowed at 16, competition rules should be consistent. So either raise the minimum promotion age, lower the competition age or compromise in the middle.

That mom will probably not win that suit because of assumed risk. She will have to. Show gross negligence, especially considering she already signed a waiver Phone Post

owchimata - 
SlapUsilly - Sounds like they're enforcing the age rules now wereas they weren't doing so before. No big deal.

Next year this won't even be an issue for her.

Thing is, if adult rank is allowed at 16, competition rules should be consistent. So either raise the minimum promotion age, lower the competition age or compromise in the middle.

True that..makes sense... but then again, remember what nationality runs the IBJJF. No room for common sense.

shermbe - A younger boy competed in the blue belt adult division and got hurt, mother sued, and this is the result.

there should be a grandfather clause to the rule and all previous competitors should be allowed to compete.

 scumbag lawyers ruining shit? this is a first.

Hywel Teague - 
shermbe - A younger boy competed in the blue belt adult division and got hurt, mother sued, and this is the result.

there should be a grandfather clause to the rule and all previous competitors should be allowed to compete.

I agree with the 1st point but not the second. <br><br>IMO ability isnt the prohibiting factor here. Regulations are in place to avoid legal situations like the one mentioned above. <br><br>So what if she has to wait one year? <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

this doesnt make any sense. if anything you should agree with the second point. She already has competed and won at this tournament in the adult division!

Dominyka is an amazing talent. If it is liability that the IBJJF fears in this case, create a waiver that her father signs removing them of any liability. This is far from a boy competing against men; she already won the Purple belt open once! Ridiculous to make all pay for the actions of one.

Devil Dog - Dominyka is an amazing talent. If it is liability that the IBJJF fears in this case, create a waiver that her father signs removing them of any liability. This is far from a boy competing against men; she already won the Purple belt open once! Ridiculous to make all pay for the actions of one.