Free MMA artwork trading cards

 Guys, I'm giving away FREE trading cards featuring my MMA artwork. Here's how to get your free cards (while supplies last!):

Follow me on twitter @therealbradu send me a message on there that you are interested in the cards, and I will get back to you with my address. Send me a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope), and I will send you 10 free cards.

The cards are part of a 45 card set that I printed up years ago and gave away any time someone bought any artwork from me. The trouble is, the the contact info on the back of the card is no longer relevant. Still, the cards are somewhat of a collector's item, (I see someone's got a set on ebay right now) and cool for collecting fighter autographs.

I'm planning to print a new, larger set featuring my correct website and email, and some of my newer artwork. But first I want to free up some space by moving out some of the first set of cards.

Already following me on Twitter? Great! Just send me a message and I'll get you your cards.

Check out all of my MMA artwork:


 A few examples of cards in the set:

ttt Phone Post

sick set is sick

Respected forum member TomOBedlam sent me some of this guys work a while ago. All i can say is its fantastic & i am proud to own it. Phone Post

UGCTT_Rychek -  Gotta message you on twitter, can't be here eh?


what if i don't use twitter?

UGCTT_Rychek -  Gotta message you on twitter, can't be here eh?

the guy is giving them away free.

is it that hard to dm him on twitter? jeeze

 I'm new to twitter myself, so yeah I thought this might be a good way to kill a couple birds with one stone...give away some cards, promote my work, get some new followers. It's going to be easier to track and organize if I have all the requests in one place. So I really do appreciate if you would follow me and message me there and I'll send you the cards. But yeah, if you don't do twitter or just really don't want to, then message me here instead and I'll still send you some cards.

I tried to DM you to get info so I can get you on KnockoutRadio

Just dug up my twitter login... Will send a message soon.

Love your work. Phone Post

Sorry, new to this. Twitter says I can only dm people following me... How do I send you a message?

Am I overlooking something super obvious. :) Phone Post

reagan123 -  Sorry, new to this. Twitter says I can only dm people following me... How do I send you a message?

Am I overlooking something super obvious. :) Phone Post

 Nope, but I did. Didn't realize that either...if you follow me, I'll follow you, then you can send me a direct message.

 I'm new to Twitter, how do I send a message?  Other than sending you a tweet, I'm unsure.  I figured out direct messaging but I can't do that unless you're following me too. meh.

 Also, I better say now that this is a 'while supplies last' offer!

 bradu, follow me then: @ExiledPariah

Old one was suspended for some reason so I had to make a new one :/

 Have to follow me also for a message

 Alright, think I've got everyone so far. Thanks guys!


I just followed you. Please do the same and I will send you a DM!