FREE seminar Rorion Ryron Rener

Free Helio Gracie Day Seminar
On Wednesday, October 1, all regular classes will be cancelled. Instead, Rorion, Ryron, and Rener will host a special 3-hour seminar, from 10am - 1pm, in which they will teach the most important techniques and principles they ever learned from the Grandmaster.

it's open to all if space is available,the catch is ,ppl that pay for the dinner get a spot reserved . i have 3 spots to give away (no dinner purchase needed) free, no strings attached.

a friend called and asked me if i could get him a spot,you guys know i would consider some of you friends,so i thought i would do the same for you.let me know

Am I finally going to get to meet you and thank you in person at the seminar/dinner? Phone Post 3.0

Ttt Phone Post 3.0

May I join you? Phone Post 3.0

Wow If I was any closer and not bed ridden with a neck injury I would take you up on this offer. VU Phone Post 3.0

VU OP.... solid member of this community.

VU   Great opportunity.

hey 12

let me know if i can bring a friend too. thanks.


iron man + 1

bb jack in

humble white belt , help sweep when over

please email your names so i can reserve a spot for you.<br />thank you

This is really cool. Too bad is on a wednesday :(

12 - iron man + 1

bb jack in

humble white belt , help sweep when over

please email your names so i can reserve a spot for you.<br />thank you
Thank you very much!! Phone Post 3.0

VTFU OP. :) Phone Post 3.0

Jack Taufer - VTFU OP. :) Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0

would love to go

12 ~ I would like to see about conducting some interviews with the boys and Master Rorion Gracie for the JJGF. Can you put the good word in for us?

thanks 12

jack ,iron man ,just saved you guys a your spot.just show up

LittleTony - 

12 ~ I would like to see about conducting some interviews with the boys and Master Rorion Gracie for the JJGF. Can you put the good word in for us?

i dont think you need my help,but i emailed them anyway.will let you know

Dang I missed this thread. I has a sad now. Phone Post 3.0

12 - jack ,iron man ,just saved you guys a your spot.just show up
Oh, I'll be there!! Phone Post 3.0