FRED GARCIA is a pioneer of no hold barred full contact kickboxing in the Philippines.  He held the lightweight to middle weight divisions undefeated.  The Garcia Brothers (Fred & Ismael Boy Garcia) was once the most feared fighters during the late 70's to early 90's.  Their flashy and powerful kicks can put an opponent unconscious in a matter of seconds.  Boy holds the records for knockout and shortest fight in a matter of 6 seconds in the first round in the Philippines.  You can search this in the internet in various martial arts sites and discussions.


And now Fred is ready to share his skills and knowledge to a lot of martial arts enthusiasts here in Toronto.


Universal Mixed Martial Arts is proud to present the Art of Yawyan in one of their martial arts styles.  This is a chance for everyone to have a first hand experience of the art of Yawyan in Toronto.  Yawyan is very comparable with Muay Thai.  They have similar powerful kicks and knees.  The only difference is the variations and strikes.  Yawyan has less rules and limitations.  Every part of your body can be used as a weapon to foil and stop an attacker.  It has roots from its predecessors of Arnis, Buno and Dumog the Philippines ancient martial arts.  Yawyan is not just an empty hand combat.  It has also an armed weapons in their arsenals of techniques. It is a modern Arnis less the weapon.  It was mainly developed for combat fighting and later on introduced competitive sports programme.  Yawyan fighters also participate in International Muay Thai Tournaments in Thailand.  It is recognized by the World Muay Thai Council.  A lot of their fighters have won in these tournaments.


And now is your chance to have a FREE INTRODUCTORY SEMINAR here in Toronto.  We are expecting an influx of martial arts enthusiasts for this EVENT and we encourage you to pre register to avoid disappointment.


Please fill up the attached form and send to: OR Universal Mixed Martial Arts, 2054 Sheppard Ave. East. Corner Brian St., Scarborough, Ontario.  Tel. 416-615 2925.

ttt for Fred and JHR!

Thank you crazyhook, it's nice to see somebody actually TTT this...

You're a good man.

Looks interesting, but I couldn't find the attached form you're referring to or any info on the seminar. Can you give us the date & time or should I just call them directly?



Thanks crazyhook. I'll see you with JHR. I've move the date next Sunday Aug. 28, 2005 so that no one will have an excuse. Those who are interested, just send me an email with tel. No. We'll contact you for the event details. Thanks. Fred Garcia

yeah, it's hard to go to an event when you don't know the when and where. :s


ttt ( being a good man again!)

Would this be the same Fred I had the pleasure of meeting at a couple of TKO shows? If so, he's a great guy and I'd be very interested in learning anything he might teach me.

That would be him, Jon :)

The Venue will be at 2054 Sheppard Ave East, Unit B103, just 2 stop lights West of Victoria Park Ave. Scarborough, Ontario. August 28, 2005 at 3:00 PM.
Space is limited. We will only accept the first 20 participants. This is a great opportunity for those who are interested to learn the Art of Yawyan. We will be developing few fighters to participate in major MMA events. If you are interested in participating these events. This is the place to get trained.

Jon.. you have been to some TKO shows?

Fred is a great guy! ( so is that guy with the orange beard)

Jon, your right, this is your chance to get a free training. By the way, here is an additional information about the art. The people who had witness the figting art.

Fred is the man! Super nice guy, and very knowledgable... this sounds very, very interesting.

ttt for Fred, JHR and Kellett

Fred is a super cool guy !!

And he knows his stuff, go check it out

(website is down, but will be up in a few days)

Fred is a super cool guy

Go check it out, he knows his stuff

(the website is down for the next few days)

Hey guys My Name Is Julio Rodriguez and I am one of Master Fred Garcias fighters. I have been with him for a few months and have become a better over all fighter. Yes this may sound like a big boast but when you go into a school you either come out a better striker or grappler , at Universal Mixed martial arts and under the yawyan techniques I have become equaly good at submissions as I am at striking. But then again dont take my word for it come out to the next seminar and try it for your self. Remember you cant do mma if you dont know how to block a strike and counter when in the guard position. Master Fred Garcia teaches you an art thats just as deadly if not more then mauy thai, because of its unerving way of always being unpredictable. In yawyan you learn very simple and effective techniques but then learn very advanced and devistating attacks. Call in or stop by and check it out. Being a bouncer at a nightclub my training has become invaluable, again try it out for yourself and see how effective yawyan is. Im shure to see you their,and will most likly be your training partner , if Master Fred so chooses.

If you dont believe my words then just ask lautaro as hes seen the differences with modern mma and yawyan.

Till the next time we se eachother in the ring.

A second schedule for a free seminar is on the works. This comming Sunday Sept.4 at 3:00 pm. We are trying to scout potential fighters and train them with Yawyan style. Come see for yourselves. This is a good opportunity for those who really want to learn the art of real fighting.