Gabe Ruediger is OFF LIMITS!!!

The Tinkler is correct

"if it's getting out of line into ridiculously personal stuff, feel free to delete it, but some negative knocks on Gabe are going to come as a result of this, and you shouldn't have moderators killing those threads because of whatever connection to Gabe they have."

but what if they're banning it because it's blatantly against the rules, and it's their JOB to erase it?

AND - take a look at the agreement you gave your word to keep when you signed up. if you're not capable of keeping your word about something that simple, don't give it.

and yes, you are absolutely allowed to say anything you want about any home, at work, at the gym, at the fights. and on any forum you happen to own. but unless you have the money to buy out Kirik, you have to keep to the rules you promised to keep.

Gabe is a fucking tool...I am not watching the show anymore because I cannot stand that fucking moron. I hope someone beats that bitch worse than Guillard did with the body shot. Fucking idiot.


Gabe is a good guy. This hating on our fellow UGER is just nuts...Completely!...We need to support our guys!

I am Gabe's good friend, so i am not going to get involved with the moderating of anti-Gabe threads beyond deleting the occasional (way overboard) post here and there. I don't want to legitimize any claims of favoritism or anything.

Besides, this is good for his TV career!

"but what if they're banning it because it's blatantly against the rules, and it's their JOB to erase it?"

ultimately, this website is Kirik's playground to do whatever he wants - he owns it, it's his right.

but Kirik seems to like having a lot of users on this forum, and seems to want people to follow a reasonable set of rules.

if you expect to set rules for users and have them actually follow and respect them, fair enforcement is necessary.

if something is against the rules but the rules are in practice only enforced in special cases, you can expect people to bitch about the enforcement, however justified it is in theory.

law can never be all-enforcing, nor should it be, but when rules or laws are perceived to be selectively enforced, they lose some of their legitimacy in the eyes of the public.

this is not even necessarily the fault of the rule-enforcers. You may have some guys covering one area who are sticklers, and other guys who let anything by except what they perceive as being "a big deal" and feel they are prioritizing, so you end up with selective enforcement by accident

for the record, I haven't been talking any shit on Gabe since I like the guy and I don't like to spend time talking shit on fighters. I even tried to give him a suggestion for a theme song to walk out to for his fights.

but if someone is deleting all negative threads, even properly respectful negative threads, why have a forum at all? This isn't Daily KO's or FreeRepublic where we are supposed to all rally around one position blindly, I thought.

It might be good for his TV career, but it makes pro fighters look like tools with the maturity of highschool kids. Which may explain why he is so popular here.

good counterpoint by RoR. i'll argue it later. but for now, i'll just question your final statement. people on this forum are always saying "but what i said was okay!". but if you actually read the post before it's erased, it's always clearly against the rules, and usally clearly against good manners.

and the same people whine like bitches when the same words are used against them. sounds like hypocrisy IMO.

Lay off the lurkers!

you would be too if you had that jammed in your ass.

i actually moved one back from "what if" to the UG. I know Gabe of all people doesn't mind having 100 gabe threads on the UG.

I'd like to know who's deleting them, too.

"but what if they're banning it because it's blatantly against the rules, and it's their JOB to erase it?"

ultimately, this website is Kirik's playground to do whatever he wants - he owns it, it's his right.

but Kirik seems to like having a lot of users on this forum, and seems to want people to follow a reasonable set of rules.

if you expect to set rules for users and have them actually follow and respect them, fair enforcement is necessary.

if something is against the rules but the rules are in practice only enforced in special cases, you can expect people to bitch about the enforcement, however justified it is in theory.

law can never be all-enforcing, nor should it be, but when rules or laws are perceived to be selectively enforced, they lose some of their legitimacy in the eyes of the public.

this is not even necessarily the fault of the rule-enforcers. You may have some guys covering one area who are sticklers, and other guys who let anything by except what they perceive as being "a big deal" and feel they are prioritizing, so you end up with selective enforcement by accident

for the record, I haven't been talking any shit on Gabe since I like the guy and I don't like to spend time talking shit on fighters. I even tried to give him a suggestion for a theme song to walk out to for his fights.

but if someone is deleting all negative threads, even properly respectful negative threads, why have a forum at all? This isn't Daily KO's or FreeRepublic where we are supposed to all rally around one position blindly, I thought."

RoR, everything you said is valid, but simply not applicable to this situation. i don't think you understand kirik's philosophy/business model for this site.

there are THOUSANDS of websites that have absolutely no rules against fighter bashing, and people are absolutely free to voice their opinions there.

but they're not doing it there, they want to do it here. why? because kirik has created a special place for martial arts people to hang out, fan, fighter, practitioner, etc. the interaction between fighters, fans etc. is the only thing that seperates this place from a thousand other anonymous forums.

"but athletes in real sports get this all the time" -

this is absolutely false logic and incorrect. please show me one radio show or ther media outlet that has fans interacting with athletes that allows 1/10 the "fighter bashing" common here. you would be shut off before your words were out of your mouth, a 1000 times quicker than anything that happens here.

your selective enforcement argument is valid for many scenarios, and we can institute various means of rigorous and professional soon as you and the rest of the guys feel like ponying up the money to pay for professional monitors. until then, we have to use volunteers, with all the limitations (and benefits) that entails. having guys do it for money intead of genuine interest might ruin the vibe we have around here anyway.

you can say anything you want, but some things you don't say at the dinnertable or in front of someone's kids. this is a community that includes not just he fans and fighters, but their students, friends, family, spouse etc., all of whom can be hurt by the words of thoughtless people.

kirik would rather lose a few loudmouth jerks that can't keep their word than lose the fighters (and all the people they bring)... all the people that hang out because it's filled the people involved at forefornt of the sport (most of us). he didn't make these rules by accident, he made them for a reason, and he knows exactly what he's doing.