Gasan just got robbed.

I didn't think that the UFC could ride Irish dick much harder, but there you go.

I'm not sure what fight the judges were watching, but Pendred in no way won that fight. Robbery, pure and simple. Phone Post 3.0

I thought Pendred won 3 definitely.
I gave 1 to the other dude. And 2 was a toss up. The other guy dropped pendred but aside that I thought it was pendreds round.
I thought at the end it would be split depending how they saw the 2nd Phone Post 3.0

People need to stop shouting robbery every time there is a close fight. Its no where near a robbery.

It was a shit fight, could have gone either way.

JoeBazuka - People need to stop shouting robbery every time there is a close fight. Its no where near a robbery.

It was a shit fight, could have gone either way.
I was unimpressed. Especially the 3rd when pendred was trying to engage and the other guy was just playing evasion Phone Post 3.0

How was the 2nd even close?! Pendred got dropped like a sack of spuds. Phone Post 3.0

Evie - How was the 2nd even close?! Pendred got dropped like a sack of spuds. Phone Post 3.0
That was about the only thing his opponent did in the round.

I'd be interested in seeing the score cards to see which rounds went to who. Phone Post 3.0

I think Dana wishes he had some kind of control over the judges, heh.. Maybe then they wouldn't suck so often?

Pendred was out struck in both number, volume and damage. His face looked like a potato at the end whereas 'the loser' looked fresh as a daisy. He was dropped and failed to even remotely rock his opponent.

The facts just don't add up to Pendred winning, when you look at point-for-point scoring vs who celebrated most at the end. Phone Post 3.0

Hmmm. Phone Post 3.0

i thought russian won by a hair

Pendred won the third? How so? He did NOTHING, gassed as hell, and got countered with combos every time he closed distance.

Retarded judges ftw.

Evie - I think Dana wishes he had some kind of control over the judges, heh.. Maybe then they wouldn't suck so often?

Pendred was out struck in both number, volume and damage. His face looked like a potato at the end whereas 'the loser' looked fresh as a daisy. He was dropped and failed to even remotely rock his opponent.

The facts just don't add up to Pendred winning, when you look at point-for-point scoring vs who celebrated most at the end. Phone Post 3.0


He did in Macau, and it was the wrong judge in the end.


pidgey - Pendred won the third? How so? He did NOTHING, gassed as hell, and got countered with combos every time he closed distance.

Retarded judges ftw.

What fight were you watching? Pendred was the aggressor the entire round and the other guy just backed up and countered (poorly at that) Phone Post 3.0

Round 3
Cathal Pendred
Gasan Umalatov
DEC Result
0 Knockdowns 1
of 92
50% Total
Strikes 58
of 117
of 87
47% Significant
Strikes 56
of 113
of 7
14% Takedowns 0
of 1
0 Submission
Attempts 0 Phone Post 3.0

Well, that came out differently than expected....

But yeah,

Pendred: 0 knockdowns
46 of 92 total strikes
41 of 87 significant strikes
1 takedowns

Gasan: 1 knockdown
58 of 117 total strikes
56 of 113 significant strikes
0 takedowns

Pendred bounced and showboated, trying to goad Gasan into playing at a different pace than the one he wanted. It didn't work. Pendred was way out-struck and out-pointed, yet somehow managed to pull a W out of his asshole, despite losing on every aspect of the game except takedowns. Phone Post 3.0

Evie - Well, that came out differently than expected....

But yeah,

Pendred: 0 knockdowns
46 of 92 total strikes
41 of 87 significant strikes
1 takedowns

Gasan: 1 knockdown
58 of 117 total strikes
56 of 113 significant strikes
0 takedowns

Pendred bounced and showboated, trying to goad Gasan into playing at a different pace than the one he wanted. It didn't work. Pendred was way out-struck and out-pointed, yet somehow managed to pull a W out of his asshole, despite losing on every aspect of the game except takedowns. Phone Post 3.0
Gasan scored a takedown also, I don't know why they don't have it recorded for him Phone Post 3.0