GAT nutrition and Jon jones

So Jon is Sponsored by GAT nutrition, a German company and I guess the steroid Jon tested positive for was the Germans steroid of choice? So do you think there is a correlation there?

GAT has a ton a products it wouldn't surprise me when if he took one for recovery after weigh in

Nothing? I thought I was on to something 

run it past detective jake shields, phaggot.

The GAT pre workout had me putting up some good numbers

Next day I was sorer then ever

Are you suggesting tainted supplements, or that this nutrition company offer more than protein powder?

I think thats quite the stretch, stating 'just cause its German' as a possibility. Interesting history though:

If so then I hope they never sell another product again. 

They should drop Jones stat, clearly he’s already affecting their reputation.

GAT is american, their main office is in Anaheim. They probably used German in the name because it sounds fancy

The test they ran on jones was NEW

thats what's up 

The gat preworkout is pretty intense and will definetly help on the bench. Makes your sweat smell like gasoline 


The gat preworkout is pretty intense and will definetly help on the bench. Makes your sweat smell like gasoline 

They actually have a intense pre workout too

You had that one or regular ?

Do they sponsor any other fighters? Have any other fighters had positive tests using their supplements?

Are you saying GAT is the new gaspari?

JoseyWales -

The gat preworkout is pretty intense and will definetly help on the bench. Makes your sweat smell like gasoline 

They actually have a intense pre workout too

You had that one or regular ?

I’ve had both and I love it!