Gate for Elite XC

"The Slice-Abbott fight capped off Saturday's event at the University of Miami's sold-out BankUnited Center. A total of 6,187 spectators created a record live gate of more than $500,000, according to EliteXC officials."


Great to see, IMO.

Dave Meltzer reports they are thinking of having Kimbo's next fight at American Airlines Arena where the Heat play. I bet Kimbo will draw more people at that event then UFC did considering they couldn't sellout when they were there.


Elite XC Street Certified- The Show

The UFC was here pre-TUF days IIRC. I was there and it was less than half full.

I'm pretty sure they would have a big draw now that they are more popular.

That is a SWEET picture.

"The UFC was here pre-TUF days IIRC. I was there and it was less than half full. "

Good point.

The Live Gate and PPV for a potential Ken Shamrock vs Kimbo fight would be incredible!

It would be huge, that's for sure.

my favorite part of this whole fight is when one of those 2 retarted commentators ( 1 being horseteeth quadros ) and i forgot what the other dildo said, " kimbo has silenced all of the critics."

did he really silence them by beating an old ass tank whos lost pretty much all of the last fights ive seen him in since ufc way the hell back??