Genki Sudo - The Neo Samurai

With the current state of Japanese MMA, I would love to Genki make a return to the sport. He has good, but not great stand-up, his submission skills are excelent, great showman, and is only 32. He could have a few fights in Dream, and if succesfull, could then take a run at the UFC lightweight division.

Just found out about him,huh?

Welcome to MMA.

Why the hell did he retire?

voorhees - Just found out about him,huh?

Welcome to MMA.

Care to explain your ridiculous assumption ? I've been watching and devotedy followinhg MMA for about 13 years now.

Bakahachi - 
voorhees - Just found out about him,huh?

Welcome to MMA.

Care to explain your ridiculous assumption ? I've been watching and devotedy followinhg MMA for about 13 years now.

Then where you been,friend?

This thread has been made at least 40 times,BTW.

I have been watching MMA since 1989, and what is this?

Also, I became a fan of Genki after seeing Hero1's excellent highlight of him.

2JupitersTooMany - I have been watching MMA since 1989, and what is this?

Me too.

MMA was rocking in 1989.

You don't have to frequent a particular forum to be a fan of MMA. I origanally joined the UG in 01 with the Handle Bolo-Yeung, and only returned last week.

I joined in 1993 with the handle "WTFisWithTheseGracies?"

2010 minus 13 years = 1997

A little history:

In 1989, during the relative infancy of the sport, a fellow in South America started The website was later purchased by Jeff Blatnik's father and named, which he later sold to his son, who named it in the 1990s.

Genki Sudo wasn't a fart in a windy cervix until much later, years after I became interested in this sport, as old as it is. Then, the forum was flooded by Genki noobs who ruined the sport and plunged it into the "dark" ages (which is interesting, considering Genki is Asian). Regardless, these things are cyclic, as evident by this thread, which threatens to ruin what has just bobbed up from near drowing.

By my calculations, the year 2018 should be a good one for MMA.

"One step forward." 


Would you guys rather I had made another Brock/Carwin thread ? Maybe a Fedor/Overeem thread ? I'm a fan Genki and want to see him compete again. I haven't visited The UG in years, so how in the world would I know there was apparently an epidemic of similar threads ?

 He had a serious neck injury, and it appears he is doing well for himself. He isn't going to come back.

^^ Thanks for the info, glad to hear he is doing well. Bummed that it looks like he won't be fighting again though.

He competed on the Ninja obstacle course show "Ninja Warrior," but didn't do so well. He was in this music video:

I remember hearing that he has taken an interest in politics.

He is all one.

He is all done with MMA.

I can't blame him if he's making good money elsewhere. The Ninja Warrior course is insane, in fact all Japanese stunt/game shows are insane.

Does anyone know where I can find a video of Genki Sudo vs Duane Ludwig? Zuffa has removed it from the interwebs it seems, and of course they don't even have it on their own website.

Ninja Warrior is badass and humbling hangover TV