Georges Talks Khabib

Khabib was undefeated. That’s impressive, for sure. That alone doesn’t make you GOAT.

Let’s break Khabib’s career down a bit:

  • Out of 29 wins, 13 were in the UFC.
  • Less than 10 of his UFC opponents were ranked.
  • He won the belt fighting Al Iaquinta, who went 1 - 4 post-fight and since retired.
  • He defended the belt 3 times. 1 of those 3 defenses against McGregor, who is 2-2 at LW.

Those are objective facts. Does that appear like the statistics worthy of GOAT status?


7 of GSP’s last 7 of fights at WW ended in boring decision.

Khabib ended his career finishing 3 top 10 p4p in a row.

GSP is a glorified Belal Muhammed. Nobody will remember him as the GOAT including himself.

Boring ass Ellen DeGeneres mother fucker.

Nobody but some forum old men know who he is even now :joy:

Renan Barao was more like GSP, because both of them got destroyed.

The fuck is this? What BJJer and what wrestlers did Khabib face?

Khabib was scared to death of getting destroyed. It’s why he cut sooooo much weight. Remember when he talked about getting his butt kicked by another Dage so he had to get a bunch of friends to get revenge? Same why he could only confront & slap Artem with a gang. Why he hid on the bus. It’s a clear pattern.

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He’s the bully on the playground who literally said “I think my mom is calling me home!” when someone bigger than him came out to play.

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Johnson was NJCAA and Gaethje NCAA.

Dos Anjos was a BJJ champion.

(I didn’t create the graphic, FYI.)

I wouldn’t even bother responding to the troll.

Says the creep who stalked my posts for a week until I was ready to call the authorities.

GSP was bullied as a child. He knows what it’s like to get dominated and who can dominate him.

This is why he thinks Khabib is the GOAT. He’s straight up a better fighter.

How can you be the GOAT if you’re boring and 7 of your last WW fights were decisions and you tap to strikes?

True, he was bullied. And in Canada, at that. Only place weaker is maybe France itself. But Khabib mostly dealt with goats & occasional fights over who couldn’t fit in the tub.

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But that just goes to show how effective a diet of gut distending, nipple engorging, ped’s & a bucket of grease can take a guy.

Khabib was literally never dropped in his whole career.

Never even bled.

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#the natural born killer from mma-gifs

You know they can fix low testosterone now, right? See your doctor.

He was trying to groom me. Not a laughing matter.

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I literally can’t stop laughing.

Do me a favour, please talk to your doctor about that low T.

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Why are you idiots arguing with an admitted troll. Hes just here to waste your time.

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I have a lot of spare time, tbh.

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GSP probably talked to his doctor about low T after all the years he abused steroids.

He suffered devastating losses even as a roid cheat and left right before USADA.