Just wondering some things for those that train regularly.
- Have you found that you get sick more often (ie colds, flu, etc) since you've started training. Being in close contact with a wide variety of people even when they're wise enough to stop training when they feel a sickness coming on seems like it could still be an issue.
Herpes gladiatorum - ever gotten this? How common is it? I'd like to think that Gi only competition would act as a huge benefit in preventing this.
Defense Soap? Tell me more.
Basically, I started training in 2000. But a variety of factors played into this, I just couldn't do it anymore mentally. Germaphobe, let's say. Basically extreme anxiety made it hard enough to even trust a stranger to cut my hair. It got worse and worse really quick, and by 2002 I was out of the sport entirely.
And that's not to make excuses. I've been medicated (heavily lol) for quite some time now, and I think I'm getting better. My drive to compete is strong, and the pull of BJJ is killing me, but I still worry about these things despite a heavy benzo regiment.
I know I'm crazy... but really... am I THAT crazy in these worries?
Well I have been training for a long time and knock on wood....never got anything. Colds and stuff like that will happen, but I am more worried about the train and planes (travel often for work), then my gym. Defense Soap I have, but never use it unless I have a cut or rubs (often get those on my feet from the mat). I do shower right when I get home and use dial.
bjj would be a tough choice if you are a germaphobe. the only thing to do is go back, try it and see if you can handle it.
Never gotten the herp. Have had ringworm more times than I can count. Had staph once.
Colds don't seem like a big issue. I probably get more exposure at work than the gym.
Started using defense soap two months ago. So far so good.
I'm hoping I've moved on enough to get over my issues because like I said, I really miss it.
But the herpes scares me more than anything
invalid - I'm hoping I've moved on enough to get over my issues because like I said, I really miss it.
But the herpes scares me more than anything
Worst thing I have seen is ringworm, but thats it.
I can deal with that, then.
Basically after finding the right meds and dosage I still only freak out about herpes even though I'm not grappling, and with just one girl
I know, I'm weird, but I can't help it lol
I find that colds and stuff are less frequent--the more often one is exposed to low level germs, the better a resistance one builds. Back when I taught huge kids classes at the karate school, I never caught a cold, and those were some germy kids! :)
The worst we've had at my gym was one round of ringworm, after some no-gi training at another gym. That grossed me out pretty badly, so now I've got everyone fairly vigilant. But one quick round within the 7 years we've been open is pretty good.
You could always combine some confidence-boosting measures: use defense soap in conjunction with some skin protecting cream (I believe the common one is called KenShield). That could give you a self-protecting routine that might alleviate some of the feelings.
Good training to you!
Thanks guys
I'm glad you are recovering from your condition.
I have not found that I suffer colds with any greater frequency than the general population. However, I think its important that your gym and the people in it have an understanding that if you've been sick you never train. If the people in your gym are honest and respect the rule, then I think there will be few problems.
As to getting infections and other stuff, I have never had any problems from gi only training (8+ years). All of my problems have come from no gi training (i.e. MRSA).
after training, I use Purell within 10 minutes of finishing training, and use dial antibacterial soap when I shower. I always shower within 30 minutes of training.
I think you should be fine as long as your gym is clean and you keep your gi on. Good luck.
the exercise alone makes you more immune to sickness.
just clean regularly and you're golden.
i get more sick when i take time off dueto injuries.
Your body is CRAWLING with germs! They're all over you right now--even in your mouth!
Pson -invalid - I'm hoping I've moved on enough to get over my issues because like I said, I really miss it.
But the herpes scares me more than anything
Worst thing I have seen is ringworm, but thats it.
You'll be fine. You just need to be careful of who your roll with, and have strict hygiene for yourself. Staph and ringworm have both gone around the school I go to, and I've been fine.
Visually inspect your training partners. If someone has any type of skin lesions, roll with someone else.
Bathe after class.
Clean all your gear after every class.
Pay attention to your body. If you have anything unusual show up, go to the doctor asap.
I use Hibiclens after class. However it can be used before class and will protect you for up to 6 hours.
EasyTapper - You'll be fine. You just need to be careful of who your roll with, and have strict hygiene for yourself. Staph and ringworm have both gone around the school I go to, and I've been fine.Good advise. Check out our products at www.AthleticBodyCare.com
Visually inspect your training partners. If someone has any type of skin lesions, roll with someone else.
Bathe after class.
Clean all your gear after every class.
Pay attention to your body. If you have anything unusual show up, go to the doctor asap.
Pson -invalid - I'm hoping I've moved on enough to get over my issues because like I said, I really miss it.
But the herpes scares me more than anything
Worst thing I have seen is ringworm, but thats it.
Same here. Where I traing had a few guys that broke out with ringworm, but nothing beyond that. As far as being sick, I've been training a year now, and I only just got sick in January. A cold, but I'm not even sure I got it on the mat.
My 11-year old son has been training now for a 1 1/2 and he's been sick a few times with colds, but I think you have to expect that with kids, shoving their fingers everywhere and then into their mouths. Our Professor makes the kids squirt anti-bacterial onto their hands before getting onto the mat. Smart move, for sure.
I'm a bit more concerned it seems at my academy as far as hygiene, probably not in a good way at that. Everyone at the academy except a few are clean and wear clean gis to school. That kind of stuff really stems from the instructor and higher belts. The gym is kept clean, mats are cleaned. But I picked up good habits when I wrestled in HS. There was some sick shit going on during training and competition.
-I pretty much stayed away from nogi because I feel the gi is safer as far as skin/mat contact. I tend to get injured too much in nogi anyways.
-I always have a change of clothes for before class and after class.
-I would never and have never put on my "real" clothes after classes.
-Seeing guys come in with jeans and leave with jeans sort of makes me question how they can do that to themselves. -Once I'm changed, I set a 30min clock in my head where I have to shower. I cut conversations short sometimes just so I can make it home "on time".
-gi is washed and I shower after every time I step foot on mats. Even if nobody showed up to open mat and I knew the mats were cleaned hours before, I still have to wash my gi and take a shower.
-been told by some people that I always smell like fabric softener when we roll.
-I have my area in the garage where any clothes with sweat is left to dry and aerate before I wash. Right when I get home I lay and separate my gear there.
-I don't touch a thing from car to shower after a class. No grabbing a drink or making a call.
-I've even dropped "god, i hate people that don't wash their gis before class" around the lower belts and have gotten them to stay on top of their stuff.
Overboard? some might say it is, but I've followed my rules for 7 years of grappling and I've never had staph, don't have mat herp, never warts(I grew a "wart" last year and had a doctor take it off but was told it was a mole), never impetigo, never ebola, but I've had ringworm but that was probably in my first year of grappling and I've never had it since.
The more you think about it, the more it'll keep you from showing up. Ring worm should be the only thing people should see imo and that should not be common at all. If mats are kept clean then the major stuff should be cleared. The rest is people not washing their gi, just stuffing into their bags, and allowing their gi to ferment. At least spread out the gi so it can breathe, and let the sun dry and kill some germs.
Hibiclens has no anti-fugal properties. You might as well use a bar of dial. If you are only concerned about bacterial infections then you are cool. If you don't want ringworm then you need to understand that antibacterial soaps kill the bacteria on your skin that kill the ringworm fungus creating an environment that ringworm grows in unchecked.
Defense Soap
DefenseSoap - EasyTapper
Hibiclens has no anti-fugal properties. You might as well use a bar of dial. If you are only concerned about bacterial infections then you are cool. If you don't want ringworm then you need to understand that antibacterial soaps kill the bacteria on your skin that kill the ringworm fungus creating an environment that ringworm grows in unchecked.
Defense Soap
You're probably right, but in all honesty, I'm more concerned about staph. That shit will kill you. If it's good enough as a surgical wash, it's good enough for me.
DefenseSoap - EasyTapper
Hibiclens has no anti-fugal properties. You might as well use a bar of dial. If you are only concerned about bacterial infections then you are cool. If you don't want ringworm then you need to understand that antibacterial soaps kill the bacteria on your skin that kill the ringworm fungus creating an environment that ringworm grows in unchecked.
Defense Soap
Hey, I got your message here but couldn't respond because your settings are set to only receive MMA Mail from Pro or Friends only; I sent you a message on your website.
Thanks again
wow.. some of you guys are on top of it... Ive had the worm a few times but not since I changed schools about a year ago.. Ihave young kids so I think if I get sick it is from them being in preschool..