Getting new INK

Inked Angels Magazine is hosting the The Official MMA Mikey Burnett & Harley Flanagan DVD release signing. Inked Angels Magazine January/February Artist of the Month Christian Masot will be tattooing legendary UFC Fighter Mikey Burnett at Silk City Tattoo in Hawthorne, New Jersey on December 27, 2006. There will be an open meet and greet with Mikey Burnett and Special Guest Harley Flanagan for 3 hours prior to Mikey's sitting from 6 - 9 PM.

Mikey and Harley will be signing the November 26th DVD relase of a seminar they conducted conducted at Matt Serra's Serra-Jitsu Acacdemy in Long Island. Mikey Covers pummeling, fighting in the clinch, avoiding the takedown and advanced throws. The DVD features Special Guests, Matt Serra, Pete Sell and Luke Quomo. So make sure to come out on the 27th!

B there........then New Years in Manhattan

I might jus get that picture of mikey burnett tattoo on my arm, so when imma choken people they see mikey!

whats harley flanagan up to... is he still a hare krishna?

Harley is doing good. He is a purple under Renzo. Good people ......we are talking about going on tour in europe for his band and doing some seminares...... I think we are going to the IFL the 30th....also....there is a seminare that week but not sure where Im doing it yet?

I think we are going over triagle escapes.....I just learned what a triangle was by the

I just saw a documentary called American Hardcore and Harley had on a Gracie shirt. That is cool that he trains. I have been a cro-mags fan since The Age of Quarrel

cro-mags kicks ass.........harley is a huge mma fan, long time....

Neck crank out of the triangle.


ha BlueBallDragonUK fuck stick I have been training there for two years get your facts straight. Plus it ain't a jeep

Repeat After me "I am Sofa king we todd ed"

as for Haole... well i got nothin

It was a joke also that skippy

ttt for the fuckin cro mags!!! man i still have a cro mags shirt from 20 years's black with white writing....has a bomb exploding and says "cro mags" above it..i break it out for special occasions only..haha