Getting rid of the VHS collection today

Money Perfect Loops GIF

I threw away all of the bootlegged stuff, which unfortunately was the most awesome stuff, imo. But if you want this stuff in the next pic I post I might be willing to make that deal and regret letting it go for so cheap at another time. :laughing:

I was going to say , sell em to a MMA Fan UG Style. Someone gunna be happy

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I really dislike how fast life moves nowadays. UFC events every weekend. I used to love to watch old events. Now I can’t even keep up with LIVE events!


Killa !!!

How the fuck am I supposed to ship this shit though? I just wanna pack it all in a box but I imagine I’m gonna need to use bubble wrap or pack it with crumpled up paper. That sounds annoying and time consuming.

All those vHS will probably cost like $25 to ship. USPS is expensive as fuck lately. Even on the flat rate, they’ve gone up 25% since Biden took office, $1 up charge every year

NFW , 2 to 3 Boxes , Not toooooooo heavy , let em rip

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Who ever buys them should pay shipping in addition to flops price or at the least be a cheap ass and split it

I used to trade hockey fight tapes up until a few years ago. The priority mail flat rate envelope with bubble wrap was the best. It comes with insurance, tracking , and bubble wrap lining used to be $6. Now it’s almost $11

Real World

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The Days of enjoyment will be worth shipping costs

You won’t get more dead presidents.

You MIGHT get lucky and find someone that is looking for their fight on a tape and willing to pay dead presidents.

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Hell yeah. I used to get so hyped for fights and events. I probably still could, it’s just too much too fast with no time to look back or forward!

Remember when we used to start letter writing campaigns from here? We would write our congress members and John McCain. The point being trying to keep us legal.

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No,but I do remember the petitions to be seen on ESPN.

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Oh Hail Yes , Idiot McCain

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Those too. I remember when we switched to ( maybe) and Kirik made a big post about it and a big deal. I still type in

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That truck is gone now.