Short clip of an online reality show.


damn...really, no one?

 What the hell was that at the 30 second mark? LOL

The Hulk Hogan stiff arm and make the guy flip move 

 ^^^The stiff arm was awesome!

RickStorm -  What the hell was that at the 30 second mark? LOL

The Hulk Hogan stiff arm and make the guy flip move 

 as soon as  seen that I knew this was gonna be as bad as Bully Beatdown

TUF ...( the hidden EARLY years) ??

Its like TUFF only with total amateurs...the stiff arm flip thing was just me and my bud fucking around.

oh and...thanks CARD!


RickStorm -  What the hell was that at the 30 second mark? LOL

The Hulk Hogan stiff arm and make the guy flip move 

i think they were making fun of that part in never back down. god that movie was terrible, even on weed.

Cool concept.

The next GFL show will feature some of these amateur fighters right?


"Let's get down in the circle of hell" > "Bear witness to the fitness"

"The next GFL show will feature some of these amateur fighters right"? - Yes this saturday is the finals.