gi pants string???

anyone know where to get some decent string for the gi pants??? tried some regular cotton string from walmart and it isnt working out well for me.....thanks

try some decent polyester rope 1/4 inch should be good youll just have to double knot it to prevent slippage untill its been washed a few times. also get the braided kind not the twisted kind.

You can get them from Gameness. They are very slightly elastic and stay tied quite well.

Go on eBay. There is a seller on there that sells the same ones used on Zombies, Shoyorolls, and all the other newer style gis.

I think they are $10. I bought two from the guy about 2 years ago and are still holding strong.

Hockey skate laces work wonderfully.
Also cheap, and typically easy to find.

Christophr - You can get them from Gameness. They are very slightly elastic and stay tied quite well.


we have them too at OTM.

"gi pants string?" is the title. My dyslexia kicked in and I read it as "gi (gee) string pants"'s early and I'm tired...... Phone Post

It is expensive if you get "official" gi pant rope.

A cheaper alternative I have done is by a spool of rope from Walmart.

However, nothing really beats the ease and convenience of a nice gi pants rope.

thanks everyone....really appreciate it

ringtocage has them for $4.95

i think ouano sells them for $15

Shinsplint - try some decent polyester rope 1/4 inch should be good youll just have to double knot it to prevent slippage untill its been washed a few times. also get the braided kind not the twisted kind.


I own several gi's and thats the first thing I do. NEVER have had a problem with my pants.