GIF Of Rashad Swatting Flies??

it's like he doesn't quite know what to do with himself so he just dances around erking and jerking, swatting flies.

"it is a bit funny doing all the head movement and shuffling when hes 6 feet out of striking range"

true dat!!

lol, theres more in later rounds.  He looks like such an idiot.

I was busting up watching that live during the fight. all of us were. I
thought he was gonna launch into a johnny travolta saturday night live
hand jive to arm up high pose.

Reminds me of Randy's "magic fingers" when he fought Tim.


ali would not be proud.

WTF is he doing? That shit is not going to throw anyone off.

Dude thinks hes RJJ

It's called "feinting" guys.

52 blocks!! lol j/k

Its a known fact that Rashad has problems with depth perception. As far as he knows, he is stomping the hell outta Tito.

looks like he is trying to jab Tim Sylvia but he is not fighting Tim Sylvia.

waste of energy

lol at skill.

thats some funny shit

First off- It's not Feinting- you just made up a word.

It's Feigning- and no, that was not feigning.

Second- He apparently did think he beat Tito to death listening to that post-fight interview.

Oh snap!!! 


I stand corrected.

Many apologies- may you conceive many children as wise as yourself.



Randy's head movement against Sylvia worked well but looked very bizzare.