GIF Of Rashad Swatting Flies??

I guess a leopard can't change his spots. I had high hopes for Rashad after he joined Jackson's and started finishing fights, but as soon as he got a little scared he revert to "Old Rashad" swatting flys.

I honestly think that all Rashad wanted to do was slam Tito and that made him feel like he won.

BTW: ever notice how every Tito fight nowadays ends like a hand job without a happy ending?

"Maybe you could, you know, look these things up before you go about eliminating words from the English language. Feign and feint are both words that mean just about exactly the same thing. Silly, maybe, but that's the truth."

Nice job.

Keith Hackney could whup 95% of this forum, and could still do well in local shows.

I know for sure, I looked it up.

i hate when he does that.

Where is the RASHAD Dance GIF, that one is awesome!!!!!!!!!

ttt for the gif

ptm2020, now that's funny

Stipe - ttt for the gif


ranier wolfcastle -
Stipe - ttt for the gif


TTT :) Phone Post

ttt Phone Post

 close but not the flyswatting of the tito match


Nightcrawler67 -
Da playmaker17 - ttt Phone Post

Lol at your shitty phone Phone Post

??? Everyone had that phone icon when using the app back before the update.... Phone Post