GIF request: Tito vs. Wanderlei

Anyone have the GIF of Tito running away from Wanderlei? Thanks.

Holy shit that was easy, thanks my friend.


man i want o see that rematch, wand vs tito wouldve been way more interesting then wand vs page 3

Tito has a great chin. If only he really believed it

lol that shit is funny, but fuck it he was smart. he got tagged right before that, no need to get savaged lol

how about the gif of tito getting his hand raised at the end? anyone have that?

JayBRO -  
SpikeTV's showing Tito getting mad at Lyoto for running away from him as I type this. Ironic.


yeah it's not like Tito ever gets dazed or wobbled, he just seems to totally be scared of getting hit. Even against chuck and that nasty flying knee from Kondo, Tito really never lost his legs or anything.

How about the GIF of Tito knocking Wanderlei out and Wand waking up when he hits the canvas? I know I've seen that GIF floating around before.

 Best part is Tito jumping at the end to throw Wand's aim off.

I just noticed that little hop too.



Hollywood Blonde - How about the GIF of Tito knocking Wanderlei out and Wand waking up when he hits the canvas? I know I've seen that GIF floating around before.

how come i never see that gif?tito the wrestler knocking down wand round 1.

tito won, it wasnt close


Wow, look how tiny Silva looks next to Tito

Fight should have been called right there. Turning your back and running is as good as a tap or a scream while in a locked-in submission IMO.


lol @ some tito nuthuggers still not being able to admit that was fucking hilarious and getting all defensive about it. even after titos shit talking towards lyoto, which made this 10 funnier than it was before.