Gina's footwork (video)

Not trying to be a dick, but I guess I didn't see anything unbelievable in that video. I'm not saying she doesn't have amazing footwork, I'm just saying I don't see anything in that specific video to prove that she does.

MMA Girls - 
Monsters Ball - "video of her amazing footwork."

Not really seeing anything amazing there. Pretty typical boxing footwork.

Typical boxing footwork is better than 90% of MMA fighters footwork

MMA footwork is needed for MMA. Boxing footwork works for boxing but a lot of it isn't applicable to MMA. Same as MuayThai footwork is SPORT SPECIFIC. This argument that boxing footwork is the best is BS. Bring boxing footwork to a MuayThai fight and see what happens - legs kicked to hell. Check any K-1 fight with a former boxer and see. Boxing footwork is great in itself, but is horrible to rely on in many other combat sports.
  And what you're seeing here pretty much looks like MuayThai footwork adapted to MMA.


Nice Muay Thai footwork. Especially when compared to other Girls in MMA. Definitely seen better, but nice none the less. Thanks for posting.

MMA Girls - 

Typical boxing footwork is better than 90% of MMA fighters footwork


 Who won the gloves Joanne?

David@AccutestMi -  Fuck her foot work, I don't think she has a ground game. I would like to see her, off her back. I would also like to see if she has decent BJJ as well.

You obviously weren't watching the Elite XC (or you were but don't know BJJ as well as you think) fights the other night, or you would've seen the sick go-go plata she sunk in the second she hit her back.

FaceFullOfCung -

Who won the gloves Joanne?

I forget the username of the winner but I posted his name on my website. The guy forgot to pick one fight, and he still won with 8/10 right. A couple people got seven right. Thanks for playing!

blah nothing impressive


I have a couple of girls in my gym that want to fight and they really look up to Gina. I will forward this to them.

The funny thing about her last fight and discussing sinking into punches is that is one of the reasons she won the last one. The girl Kaitlyn Young (great fighter to) was quite upright when she was punching and often got the worse of the exchanges.

Footwork looks solid, decent boxing footwork.

Joanne next time grapple with Gina or let her put you in a choke. That would settle the blonde vs. brunette question.

GC111 - Joanne next time grapple with Gina or let her put you in a choke. That would settle the blonde vs. brunette question.

And get gogoplata'd on camera? No thanks.


MMA Girls -
GC111 - Joanne next time grapple with Gina or let her put you in a choke. That would settle the blonde vs. brunette question.

And get gogoplata'd on camera? No thanks.

Actually now that I think about it, I'd love to do a technique video with Gina. I should be out in Vegas again for UFC 86, but I think she'll be busy with A.G.

 she moves pretty well. thanks for the video.

 Canklework IMO

EvilMaster - *Fwap Fwap Fwap*



jbob3000 - Helloooooo cankles!

be nice. those shins kick harder than you.