Gina's footwork (video)

So I've been waiting until after her fight to post this video of her amazing footwork. I've never seen footage like this before and I hope you guys appreciate it.

Fwap Fwap Fwap

 UFC 85 predictions? =)

Monsters Ball - "video of her amazing footwork."

Not really seeing anything amazing there. Pretty typical boxing footwork.

Typical boxing footwork is better than 90% of MMA fighters footwork

Foot fetish anyone?

Card -

UFC 85 predictions? =)

I just finished it. Thanks for asking!



I'll sleep good tonight!

 That was cool! She pushes her hip into the shot a little more than most people, as opposed to rotating.

Mesmerizing stuff. Looks like she's dancing at times.

Did you by any chance ask her if she reads the mma forums?

In her post fight conference she said sometimes the negative comments eat her up inside so she really appreciates the positive comments, i was just curious as to whether she was talking about negative comments from so called 'fans' on the net or the commentators on mma shows.

thebasher - amazing she can get them fat ankles off the floor

Hey now.

"She pushes her hip into the shot a little more than most people,"

-Kirik Jennes


 Fuck her foot work, I don't think she has a ground game. I would like to see her, off her back. I would also like to see if she has decent BJJ as well.

 foot fetish anyone

Xad - Mesmerizing stuff. Looks like she's dancing at times.

Did you by any chance ask her if she reads the mma forums?

In her post fight conference she said sometimes the negative comments eat her up inside so she really appreciates the positive comments, i was just curious as to whether she was talking about negative comments from so called 'fans' on the net or the commentators on mma shows.

In fact I did ask that question. She said something about the internet draining peoples energy and she stays off the boards, but her grandma calls her and tells her about certain coverage she is getting. I almost asked if she's seen any of the Gina Vs. Kyra "what if" and "who's hotter" threads, but I decided not to.

JR - 

 Kirik, is that a good thing or bad?  Is it better to push the hip in more? or not as much and to rotate more of the hips instead?

 more rotation = more power.  Boxers have a tendency to sink into their punches more than kickboxers, which is why they hit alot harder.  Then again, the don't have to worry about takedowns and leg kicks. Pushing the hip forward is kind of natural for kickboxers anyway. Also, it's  hard to throw kicks off your combinations if you sink hard into the punch (harder to get up and turn your hip over). 

I think this is what Kirik is talking about.  Also, it could just be the way she throws that punch.  My guess is he was talking about the rear-hand uppercut she threw.

"Just didn't see anything "amazing". You should go to more gyms."
