girls teaching jiu jitsu (videos)


KimuraCrunch - Curious, what exactly is an "MMA girl"? I mean, what are the requirements?

check out the fighters section of for the MMA Girls fighters. Requirement: you have to be female and a fighter. guess was wrong :|

BrockWillKillNog - guess was wrong :|

You make a good point. Recently I did a small story on one of the few female MMA announcers. As of right now I only have the fighters section, but as more women get into MMA it would be cool to feature them somehow.

MMA Girls - 
Armbar and Grill - So Forrest is going to stalk Rashad and win a decision, Mir and Nog are "evenly matched" (wtf?) and Mir is going to win a decision, CB Dollaway has the edge in wrestling because he has "better, kind of, ground control" and Silva is going to win because he has knees and elbows and "all that stuff".

Amazing predictions.

Where did you aquire all of this in depth MMA knowledge?

lol. What are your picks for the fights? Please show me the way to being a master predictor.

 Master Bader, IMO

Chill on the woman referees. We've seen fighters going for the double leg on the ref far too often. The commissions seem to have started doing this for the lighter guys in mid level shows. I don't know why. Just get a dude.

all this learning is making my pants tight

 Shouldnt this be on the Tapout forum?  I mean cum on, right?

Aww, someone on the internets called me unattractive! Whatever shall I do?!?!??!

Oh yeah, I'll continue living a life that you envy, Rahknee. :)


Aww, someone on the internets called me unattractive! Whatever shall I do?!?!??!

Oh yeah, I'll continue living a life that you envy, Rahknee...surrounded and always helped by amazing people that I've met in this wonderful sport. :)


edit to mention that hell yeah, michele nicolini is way hotter and way more talented. Duh.

She is a female that trains and is attractive = thats hot!

 thanks girls!! you make learning jui jitsu a whole lot more fun



Hillary - Aww, someone on the internets called me unattractive! Whatever shall I do?!?!??!

Oh yeah, I'll continue living a life that you envy, Rahknee...surrounded and always helped by amazing people that I've met in this wonderful sport. :)


edit to mention that hell yeah, michele nicolini is way hotter and way more talented. Duh.
Hillary, I'd roll with you any day...actually, NO I wouldn''d kick my ass ;o)

You're still a hottie in my book.


Thanks for the videos. You are cute =)



Armbar and Grill - if you think hillary is ugly you might be gay, she's not going to be on the cover of cosmo anytime soon but she's deffinitely good looking


But you must not forget most of the people on here date supermodels...


great stuff as always



what about private lessons