Gladiator vs Mighty ?

 OK, yet a another mouthguard thread.  A buddy of mine, and fellow UG member recently told me about "Mighty Mouthguards", which is evidently a custom mouth guard company in Canada.  He says they are supposed to be very good, possibly even better than the Gladiator Guards.

I have two Gladiator Mouthguards, and to this point have sworn by them.  Mine are both awesome, fit great, look good, are comfortable, have lasted, etc.  Everything I could hope for.  Even the price was right ($60-$95 depending on which one you choose).  I also customized mine with logos of my choice and they look sweet.

Has anyone out there used a Mighty Mouthguard?  Here is their website:

They appear to also be associated with some Canadian hockey teams, and the Canadian boxing team.

They claim to use a "pressure molding" system opposed to "Vacuum molding" (which I suspect is the same thing Gladiator does).

To be fair, here is the Gladiator website:

I can't be 100% sure on this, but I could swear I read a news article about 6 months ago that said Gladiator/SGI was now the official mouthguard of either the NHL or the minor league hockey association in North America...maybe someone can confirm.

I hope this thread brings positive information on BOTH companies...I do want to know which guard people think is better, but I want to know WHY one may be supererior to the other.



 I never knew you were such a topper.  I always thought you were a nelly bottom...

 only a topper in class....I am more comfortable there


Come on, some of you KkKooky KkKanadians have to have heard of Mighty Mouthgaurds, no?  I want some first hand info..

We're too busy eating poutine.



I don't wear mouthguards.

 You don't wear ballgaurds either.

I'm ashamed that I know that.

No Homo

 This is why Scout dosen't wear a mouthguard.

Photo of Scout

honestly, mighty mouth looks like they are better at personalization. I have a gladiator elite and I had it "personalized" with my initials, it is a piece of paper in between layers of plastic. it is customized, but I was disappointed.

 I also have the Gladiator, Dokkalfar -- actually 2 of them.  I customized both of them with color logos.  Yes, it does appear to be a printed piece of paper sandwiched within the material, but I think mine look great.  To me it's just a matter of supplying good artwork and the guard should look good.  I've seen other Gladiator guards where someone just put their initials, and although they were still cool, there was no wow factor.

Not sure if this images are still hosted properly, but I'll give it try.  Here is my first Gladiator guard....That's Killface from Frisky Dingo saying Boosh!


My Second one is just my name and some blue belts:

Sorry the pics aren't so great, but I think the artwork came out pretty good.

 Mighty Mouthguards are awesome. They last a long time and once theyre in, they dont budge.

 So far they sound exactly the same as Gladiatior Guards.  I have to work to get mine out.  When it is in my mouth, breathing is so much easier than it is with standard boil and bite guards.

Really the only thing I see different about these two at all is that Mighty Mouthguards have a wider range stock designs to choose from and build on.

I know the Gladiator folks post on this board.  Am hoping they will chime in -- will be cool if someone from MightyMouth Guards did as well.

 Mighty mouthguards and almost every other custom mouthguard company use the same material and the same equipment to make their guards as we do. there is no difference in the protection. We all also use the same method of customizing the guard.

The big difference is in the size of the company you are dealing with.

we make mouthguards thats it.

We were hear 10 years ago and will be servicing you 10 years from now. See Protech

We have been doing this longer.(  fact we were the first to go customer direct in the USA )

We are the largest consumer direct mouthguard company in the USA

No body can touch our prices

We are the official mouthguard of the ECAC  this is  college division I schools like Princeton, Havard, Yale. you know the smart kids


icedog11 -  Mighty mouthguards and almost every other custom mouthguard company use the same material and the same equipment to make their guards as we do. there is no difference in the protection. We all also use the same method of customizing the guard.

That's what it looked like to me based on their website.  I am happy with my Gladiator Guards and will get another guard or two from them before it's all over.


I love my GLADIATOR!!