Great. He’ll have amazing cardio now to survive a 15 minute beating his next fight:
If he gets injured now, all that would have been wasted.
He’s almost asking for it. Those knees man.
He’s fighting paddy cakes next. He’s going to fuck him up if he makes it to the cage.
Hopefully Tony Ferguson takes some good steroids now without USADA
Chin and speed are his issues…he was already crazy tough.
He was always lanky, but he now looks emaciated. He needs strength.
Tony gonna break Pimbles. I feel it coming in the air tonight.
Tony is gonna get wrestlefucked for 3 rounds and probably choked unconscious again
Agree with everyone. Dont think his issue has ever been cardio. He seems to have lost his explosive striking and wrestling power. Every opponent seems far stronger and more durable than Tony is. Doing insane amounts of cardio will make him weaker
And he is almost 40. Goggins is a genetic anomaly. Most 40 year old athletes with suffer injuries and overtraining with that stupid sort of regimen.
Does Goggins really believe that this is what a 40 year old athlete on his last leg physically and neurologically, really needs to do to improve?
I don’t think Tony was training with Goggins for anything related to cardio. I think it was more of a mental thing, to “get the bitch out” so-to-speak, That mental block that gets someone to accept defeat. I think his goal was to be comfortable in being beaten down and be able to perform at his absolute worst.
He needs steroids. Tony is sickly and emaciated looking.
Yea agree but Tony already seems to have that mental fortitude though…just wish him for the W.
Tony is overtraining. Move along, nothing new here.
I remember Tony’s deadlifting video with a hex bar. Not surprised he gets hurt training so much!
None of this will helf his fighting! Congrats, waste of time!