Good call, Doc

IzzysAssOnya -

Bitch ass op 

Your ass is my bitch.


(Try harder, babes.)

Should have let Diaz go out on his shield. I think Masdival finishes him in he 5th but let the fighters decide not the doctor. Please never hold another ufc in NY they absolutly killed the BMF belt. I told my son in law before the event started i was afraid the commission would somehow ruin the event and they found a way to do it.

NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

Sure ya have.  If you think that cut justified a stoppage than its clear that this is in fact your 1st rodeo.

We have seen 100’s of cuts the same if not worse not stop a fight.  NY behind in the MMA times.  



Every cut is different, snowflake (there’s a pun in there, but you probably didn’t get it).


Judgement of cuts has nothing to do with your MMA miles (and my machine is smashing yours, btw.).

What the fuck are you talking about?  Your responses are cracking me up.  You sound like a dumb shit that thinks he’s actually smart.  Your playful condescending and try hard “intelligence” is sad.

“nUh uH kId, yOu JuSt oNe oF dEm DeR sNoWfLaKes”

1 Like
JJz -

Nate could see out of his eye, and the doc didn't even check in with him during the other 2 rounds he was fighting with the cut. The cut didn't look any worse than before.


It didn't make any sense honestly. He could have easily fought the last two rounds without any harm.

And which crystal ball tells you that?


Unless our ring doctor is corrupt, he's doing it for fighter safety.


And unless you're an opthalmologist, you can't really hold ground on your assessment.

1 Like

First time I've seen a ref look disgusted waving off a fight, and this guy is trying this weak ads troll. Your attempt sucks.


tyson furys cut was 5 x worse than that and he fought like 9 rds


The UFC would be loving it. They can cash in on this all over again 

1 Like

It was not bleeding into his eye and he was not going to lose the eye. Only problem would have been cosmetic.. which he will have anyway.


I don't disagree...I was shocked and pissed at the stoppage, but in the end you look at that cut and it was's an acceptable stoppage under normal circumstances. The problem is, this is for the bmf hype the fight as two guys who are so tough, so street, no quit, true fighters, and then you have a doctor jump in and say "but the skinny white fella is bleeding! It's over!" We all know who nate is and that he's been through worse, but the doctor doesn't know, or care. He's got a job to do regardless.


it felt a little like if back when Royce and Sakuraba fought a no time limit fight, if a doctor jumped in and said "this has gone on long enough, we're well over an hour! This fight is over!" But this is specifically a no time limit fight?! Well this was for the bmf belt, you can't stop it for a little blood!

NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

Sure ya have.  If you think that cut justified a stoppage than its clear that this is in fact your 1st rodeo.

We have seen 100’s of cuts the same if not worse not stop a fight.  NY behind in the MMA times.  



Every cut is different, snowflake (there’s a pun in there, but you probably didn’t get it).


Judgement of cuts has nothing to do with your MMA miles (and my machine is smashing yours, btw.).

What the fuck are you talking about?  Your responses are cracking me up.  You sound like a dumb shit that thinks he’s actually smart.  Your playful condescending and try hard “intelligence” is sad.

"nUh uH kId, yOu JuSt oNe oF dEm DeR sNoWfLaKes"

Your comment indicates that you missed the point. On this occasion and the original post.


How disappointing.


Do you really need it explaining or perhaps do you just need to stay back a year (again?).


I’m not explaining; it was really rather blatant. You tool.


(Although I did enjoy your butt-hurt attempt at regaining some kind of standing by displaying further myopia. Go home and read a little before you try to write. Maybe then you’ll get it. Maybe never.)

bradu -

I don't disagree...I was shocked and pissed at the stoppage, but in the end you look at that cut and it was's an acceptable stoppage under normal circumstances. The problem is, this is for the bmf hype the fight as two guys who are so tough, so street, no quit, true fighters, and then you have a doctor jump in and say "but the skinny white fella is bleeding! It's over!" We all know who nate is and that he's been through worse, but the doctor doesn't know, or care. He's got a job to do regardless.


it felt a little like if back when Royce and Sakuraba fought a no time limit fight, if a doctor jumped in and said "this has gone on long enough, we're well over an hour! This fight is over!" But this is specifically a no time limit fight?! Well this was for the bmf belt, you can't stop it for a little blood!

Yeah, hard to disagree. Good point. That made it blow even more.

NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

Sure ya have.  If you think that cut justified a stoppage than its clear that this is in fact your 1st rodeo.

We have seen 100’s of cuts the same if not worse not stop a fight.  NY behind in the MMA times.  



Every cut is different, snowflake (there’s a pun in there, but you probably didn’t get it).


Judgement of cuts has nothing to do with your MMA miles (and my machine is smashing yours, btw.).

your pun sucks more dicks than your mom at a bus stop.

not all snowflakes are dissimilar.  take your beakmans world science back to 1993, Lester.

1 Like

Bad stoppage and everyone involved besides the doc realized that. Rogan even made a point to say it wouldn't have been stopped in Vegas. 

The doctors job is to protect the fighter. The cut presented zero danger to Nate’s health and it wasn’t impairing his vision. 

NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

Sure ya have.  If you think that cut justified a stoppage than its clear that this is in fact your 1st rodeo.

We have seen 100’s of cuts the same if not worse not stop a fight.  NY behind in the MMA times.  



Every cut is different, snowflake (there’s a pun in there, but you probably didn’t get it).


Judgement of cuts has nothing to do with your MMA miles (and my machine is smashing yours, btw.).

What the fuck are you talking about?  Your responses are cracking me up.  You sound like a dumb shit that thinks he’s actually smart.  Your playful condescending and try hard “intelligence” is sad.

"nUh uH kId, yOu JuSt oNe oF dEm DeR sNoWfLaKes"

Right, quickly, try to get it:


I made the comment that not every cut is the same followed by ‘snowflake’ because all snowflakes are unique (and I find it a little amusing to use snowflake in an ironic fashion, particularly when it ties in neatly to a pun, like this).


That then made your randomly upper-cased (kidnapper-esque) comment seem particularly retarded (oops) as it just displayed your comprehensive inepitidue further. (Soz. Lol.)


I also made a reference to my machine smashing yours (which had nothing to do with my argument but is a nod to Mr Kerr - I assume you get the ref but if not, then oh my…).


I’m off. Later, loser.

Eskimo -

Bad stoppage and everyone involved besides the doc realized that. Rogan even made a point to say it wouldn't have been stopped in Vegas. 

The doctors job is to protect the fighter. The cut presented zero danger to Nate’s health and it wasn’t impairing his vision. 

Rogan is experienced but not a doctor.

El_Geronimo_de_Gato -
NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

Sure ya have.  If you think that cut justified a stoppage than its clear that this is in fact your 1st rodeo.

We have seen 100’s of cuts the same if not worse not stop a fight.  NY behind in the MMA times.  



Every cut is different, snowflake (there’s a pun in there, but you probably didn’t get it).


Judgement of cuts has nothing to do with your MMA miles (and my machine is smashing yours, btw.).

your pun sucks more dicks than your mom at a bus stop.

not all snowflakes are dissimilar.  take your beakmans world science back to 1993, Lester.

Your joke smacks of poor mother-related humour. Might fly well in Mexican cinema, but that’s it homeslice. (Just weak. Like your post. And your brain.)


(Wait, no…I like the Beakmans ref - let’s be pals)

Vegas docs more leanient! ????


NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

Sure ya have.  If you think that cut justified a stoppage than its clear that this is in fact your 1st rodeo.

We have seen 100’s of cuts the same if not worse not stop a fight.  NY behind in the MMA times.  



Every cut is different, snowflake (there’s a pun in there, but you probably didn’t get it).


Judgement of cuts has nothing to do with your MMA miles (and my machine is smashing yours, btw.).

What the fuck are you talking about?  Your responses are cracking me up.  You sound like a dumb shit that thinks he’s actually smart.  Your playful condescending and try hard “intelligence” is sad.

"nUh uH kId, yOu JuSt oNe oF dEm DeR sNoWfLaKes"

Right, quickly, try to get it:


I made the comment that not every cut is the same followed by ‘snowflake’ because all snowflakes are unique (and I find it a little amusing to use snowflake in an ironic fashion, particularly when it ties in neatly to a pun, like this).


That then made your randomly upper-cased (kidnapper-esque) comment seem particularly retarded (oops) as it just displayed your comprehensive inepitidue further. (Soz. Lol.)


I also made a reference to my machine smashing yours (which had nothing to do with my argument but is a nod to Mr Kerr - I assume you get the ref but if not, then oh my…).


I’m off. Later, loser.

NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

Sure ya have.  If you think that cut justified a stoppage than its clear that this is in fact your 1st rodeo.

We have seen 100’s of cuts the same if not worse not stop a fight.  NY behind in the MMA times.  



Every cut is different, snowflake (there’s a pun in there, but you probably didn’t get it).


Judgement of cuts has nothing to do with your MMA miles (and my machine is smashing yours, btw.).

What the fuck are you talking about?  Your responses are cracking me up.  You sound like a dumb shit that thinks he’s actually smart.  Your playful condescending and try hard “intelligence” is sad.

"nUh uH kId, yOu JuSt oNe oF dEm DeR sNoWfLaKes"

Right, quickly, try to get it:


I made the comment that not every cut is the same followed by ‘snowflake’ because all snowflakes are unique (and I find it a little amusing to use snowflake in an ironic fashion, particularly when it ties in neatly to a pun, like this).


That then made your randomly upper-cased (kidnapper-esque) comment seem particularly retarded (oops) as it just displayed your comprehensive inepitidue further. (Soz. Lol.)


I also made a reference to my machine smashing yours (which had nothing to do with my argument but is a nod to Mr Kerr - I assume you get the ref but if not, then oh my…).


I’m off. Later, loser.

It’s funny that you responded to the same comment twice.  You realized after the 1st reply that your first response was indeed stupid.  You then sat and tried to come up with something witty but again shit to bed.  Oh and keep editing, you get it right princess.  

1 Like
Eskimo -

Bad stoppage and everyone involved besides the doc realized that. Rogan even made a point to say it wouldn't have been stopped in Vegas. 

The doctors job is to protect the fighter. The cut presented zero danger to Nate’s health and it wasn’t impairing his vision. 

Rogan is experienced but not a doctor.

How experienced was that doctor with combat sports? The doctor was qualified to determine how many stitches he needed and not much else. They receive zero training to make a judgment like this and experience is the best qualification. 

1 Like