Good call, Doc

Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.


Just blows for Jorge - he was winning and deserved something more decisive.


He's not going to die from a cut. He's not going to lose an eye. There is absolutely zero danger from the cut other than some scarring. And if Nate's not worried about being pretty, it's not the doc's job to worry about it.

ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys


I came here for emotional rants, don't bring this logic at me bro. 


he was getting picked apart 


Iverson top 10 IMO, he could score at anytime, handles were insane, could pass the rock, could make plays on defense and carried a team to the finals. Not to mention he does all this without practice!!! Phone Post 3.0

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Nate seemed slightly more articulate after the fight. 

FETT_the geek -

I came here for emotional rants, don't bring this logic at me bro. 


1 Like

It wasn't a good call

NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

  1. No you haven’t.

  2. Yes it does.

1 Like
Soul Gravy -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

  1. No you haven’t.

  2. Yes it does.

No, it doesn’t.


If you’ve not got a concrete argument to present, then move on. This is boring already.



Soul Gravy -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

  1. No you haven’t.

  2. Yes it does.

No, it doesn’t.


If you’ve not got a concrete argument to present, then move on. This is boring already.



Sorry you’re a noob. :frowning:


arent docs required to stop a fight when cuts are dripping blood into the eyeball?


1 Like

Nate could see out of his eye, and the doc didn't even check in with him during the other 2 rounds he was fighting with the cut. The cut didn't look any worse than before.


It didn't make any sense honestly. He could have easily fought the last two rounds without any harm.

Soul Gravy - He's not going to die from a cut. He's not going to lose an eye. There is absolutely zero danger from the cut other than some scarring. And if Nate's not worried about being pretty, it's not the doc's job to worry about it.

He is a doctor. You are not.


How do I know that? Just that your prose doesn't convey a sense of intelligence - particularly given context (although I am enjoying your keyboard assesment of Nate's cut - way to go Bro (science!).

NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

Sure ya have.  If you think that cut justified a stoppage than its clear that this is in fact your 1st rodeo.

We have seen 100’s of cuts the same if not worse not stop a fight.  NY behind in the MMA times.  

1 Like

Watch out guys, op is calling people "kid". Gtfo 

Soul Gravy -
Soul Gravy -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

  1. No you haven’t.

  2. Yes it does.

No, it doesn’t.


If you’ve not got a concrete argument to present, then move on. This is boring already.



Sorry you’re a noob. :frowning:

Youve not become any more entertaining or insightful.


Just more stupid and boring.


(I feel for those you consider friends who probably yawn and roll their eyes as you at last move on to a new topic of conversation…before boring them again.)


The floor is yours, treacle (feel free to hit it, hard).

Bitch ass op 

1 Like
NFABeeJay -
NFABeeJay -
ILKR - Nate is tough as...and would no-doubt have kept on fighting but the blood from the ear and the depth & position of that cut are problematic - better he gets the chance to run it over than risk irreparable damage.

Shit to see but I think a good call.

lol. Fuckin new guys

I’ve been watching a lot longer than you kid. (And that means nothing, dumbass.)

Sure ya have.  If you think that cut justified a stoppage than its clear that this is in fact your 1st rodeo.

We have seen 100’s of cuts the same if not worse not stop a fight.  NY behind in the MMA times.  



Every cut is different, snowflake (there’s a pun in there, but you probably didn’t get it).


Judgement of cuts has nothing to do with your MMA miles (and my machine is smashing yours, btw.).