good job mods!! on thread removal

glad you squashed that before it got started...

chris the world a favor liquify your assets give them away to someone, write a letter telling no one to look for you family, friends, whoever, and find a way to never be heard or seen again by anyone... go crawl back under the troll bridge and stay off the UG, im not saying you should go kill your self, but its a option that you should seriously look into for the sake of anyone you have ever come into contact with.


Dang, I missed it. What did he say?

Kakkarotto_san - Dang, I missed it. What did he say?

 he called daley a word that rymes with bigger

yup, nice work mods

Retard -  he called daley a word that rymes with bigger

I agree with him in a way.. That type of shit seperates black folk from N******..


he called him a chigger? those are those little red bugs aren't they?

Super fly Patty poopskins - 
Retard -  he called daley a word that rymes with bigger

I agree with him in a way.. That type of shit seperates black folk from N******..


 saying that type of shit you just said seperates the biggots and the non biggots.

Glad I was able to get my VTFD in before deletion.

he called him the same thing jacks furiously called kdub-t when his dog died. 

GaGasSoldierDickTuks2 - Glad I was able to get my VTFD in before deletion.

im glad you did as well

 what do they call blacks in the uk?


ranier wolfcastle -  what do they call blacks in the uk?

 blacks, but in a funny accent.


Super fly Patty poopskins - 
ranier wolfcastle -  what do they call blacks in the uk?

 blacks, but in a funny accent.


 what would you call the Flinstones if they were black?

The Flinstones you fucking RACISTS!

That word has no place in this forum.

SpiderRicco - That word has no place in this forum.

Which word?

Squared Circle - 
SpiderRicco - That word has no place in this forum.

Which word?


we do not speak of manbearpig here



what did he call him?