Good Luck Joe Daddy

Just wanted to toss out some good vibes to a really nice young man. I have met him several times and he is just a good natured down to earth cat. I hope he wins this fight, I think it will be a great scrap

Go Joe Daddy!

I hope Joe beats Diego Sanchez until a cold fission reaction inside Diegos stomach happens and "soap" starts to flow out of his mouth and nose.

 i like Joe Daddy, but Diego will be too much IMO.

I hope Joe beats the weird behavior out of Diego. I think this will be a better fight than many think.

Kick his fucking ass Joe!! Make him pay for coming to 155.

Box him then guillotine his fucking neck off!!

Eye of the tiger baby.


Give the winner of this fight Clay Guida!!! FOTY right there

^ Are you kidding me?

Guida would make it a failed takedown attempt seminar that would put us all to sleep.

Oh, but he'd get the decision for "controlling" the fight.

Im sure Clay can handle his own against either opponents. Hopefully they make this fight happen.

AZheat. are you saying that Guida didnt control the fight. The kid is on a tear right now. Dont hate.

Clay Guida the Tuff killer


TTT for Joe to choke Sanchez' new-age ass out