Gordon Ryan announces retirement due to health issues

He’s a 3x world champ for God sakes, hire a nutritionist to follow him along and cook his meals… why would he not have already done this if that was the issue?


Right. He doesn’t need to talk to another podcaster who isn’t a nutritionist about food discipline.

He needs to talk to someone like Georges about how to use his money to invest in hiring people to take care of these things for him.

But, for now, it seems like he really needs to go somewhere like the Mayo clinic and try to nip this in the bud while he’s still young.


I agree and that’s why I believe something else is going on. Anyone around him with a modicum of sense would have told him to get the best care available already.


I hope he does. My colitis went untreated for a long time and it fucking sucks. I didnt know what was wrong and at the time could not afford to see a Dr about it.


I have IBS from taking lots of antibiotics aciclovir I think for something. Nothing that sounds as bad as Gordon’s problem, but it’s left its mark.

My body can handle most things but I tried Nandrolone/Deca once and that made the IBS much worse until it was out of my system.

Pretty sure his problem is from the antibiotics. I wonder how he got the staph.


It’s a damn shame and obviously it’s been going on for a while as he retired/unretired previously. I hope he gets his issues worked out. He’s an amazing competitor.

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Maybe take a day off from training once in a while so you don’t end up like your coach

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If I was him I’d seek medical help and if that didn’t work, seek a psychologist.

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Dude needs to get way veggies in his diet for real with all the prebiotic fiber while also getting his probiotics in him with real saurkraut , Kim Chi etc.

Eat good bacteria to fight issues and eat the right food to feed the good bacteria.

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Yes. When people ask him how they can avoid eating bad foods his response is, “Don’t put it in your mouth.”

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Gordon needs to see a GI specialist at mount sinai and also seek advise from one of the in house nutritionists in the GI department such as Laura Manning. Fuck the bro science when it comes to serious health issues.

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Because his sister/wife is in charge of all of that and procures his roids as well. danaher knows a ton about juice too because he was a juiced up muscle head wannabe bodybuilder in the late 80’s early 90’s and if he was using you know he was obsessed with researching them inside and out.

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Pretty sure he’s focused only on NOGI