Gordon Ryan announces retirement due to health issues

Gordon Ryan is hanging it up for the foreseeable future … and possibly forever.

Ryan, a three-time ADCC world champion, announced his retirement from professional competition via social media last week. The grappling ace was scheduled to face veteran Shinya Aoki in a special Openweight grappling match for ONE Championship on Aug. 27, 2021.


It saddens me to make this post- the hardest post I’ve ever made next to the final big gord post. My stomach isn’t cooperating with me any more. Most of you by now know it’s been an uphill battle for 3 years ever since the staph antibiotics messed up my stomach. Effective immediately, I will be taking a leave of absence from competition. My stomach is at a point now where I can’t train properly. It was always an issue, but it’s been progressively getting worse as time goes on. In training im essentially useless because I’m always so nauseous. While I have been showing up on competition day, I don’t believe it’s professional for me to have camps like i have been and showing up to compete. I feel it is a big disservice to myself, my team, my opponent, and the sport to show up less than 100% of what I am. The future for myself as an athlete is uncertain, but the future as a coach is definite. I was supposed to compete once a month until October, I’ve pulled out of all of them and don’t plan on making a return until my stomach is 100% better, if it ever is. I want to make a professional apology to @flograppling, @onechampionship, and @yodchatri, my business partners who have put a lot of time into me, as I have them. Also to @luizpanza, who I was supposed to compete against this month, and to @cyborgbjj, who both verbally agreed AND signed a contract to compete against me. Sorry I had to pull out and I look forward to competing against you both in the future. I also want to issue a personal apology to my team, family, and specifically, @danaherjohn- this guy is the most selfless person I’ve ever Met. He has an almost infinite amount of physical disabilities, sometimes can hardly get in and out of a car before and after training, and yet he is here 365 days a year giving us his undivided attention. Knowing he has been dealing with the things he has been for 30+ years on the mat and still showing up is all the inspiration you need to make it to class.


Not retiring - taking time off to heal.

Fighters never retire.


I wonder if he has cannabinoid hypermesis Syndrome and has no idea. It’s a bitch and most people don’t realize they have it and continue smoking more to treat the nausea. It’s a viscous cycle that can be broken in 2-3 days by eliminating all thc and cbd products. Any of his teammates reading this, pass this along.


That’s crazy you said that. My ex had severe hyperemisis during her pregnancy with our daughter. She couldn’t keep anything down and had to have a PICC line put in. When Gordon was on Rogan I thought “damn that sounds like the same shit”. I hope someone reads this and makes mention of it to them.

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How many posts before some momo blames it on steroids.

Steroids are fucking awesome.:muscle:t4::syringe::pill:🤼

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GSP had problems with his gut, Brock had diverticulitis… lots of fighters get afflicted by this type of thing.

Apparently protein farts don’t ONLY damage the nostrils around you…


All very true. I think on JRE he mentioned he doesn’t smoke though. Maybe I’m mistaken.


So, your baby momma was smoking weed during her pregnancy?


I was listening to Danaher on Rogan today which gave some insight. That’s shitty news.


Please tell me I’m misinterpreting this. You mated with a woman that couldn’t lay off the weed while pregnant?


it doesn’t have to involve weed at all. He didn’t use the word cannabinoid.

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That is fucking classic.

Long live the king.


On JRE Joe Rogan asked if he smoked weed to help with stomach issues. Gordon said he hasn’t smoked weed in about three years and he can’t because it makes his symptoms worse. A really restrictive diet, workout schedule, and good sleep hygiene for an extended period are only things that seem to help. I’m sleepy AF and that is my best recollection of conversation. Yay!


Randi Miller
Olympic wrestler
Also fought pro MMA

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Joe Rogan was baffled by his condition. Gordon Ryan kept saying that his stomach only hurts when he eats bad food. And that he has to eat bad food when he’s out on the road. Joe Rogans brain was like “Just don’t eat that stuff, grocery shop while you’re on the road and you’ll be fine”. I think Gordon Ryan needs to talk with Jocko about food discipline. You mean to tell me he NEVER thought to get a room that has a kitchen? He would completely retire from competition before getting a room with a kitchen??? Makes no sense.


Probably has ulcerative colitis from the antibiotics.


Does Jocko talk about food discipline? I listened to every podcast until around #100 but they fell off for me. I’ve read all of his books. I follow him everywhere. I am a huge fan. Does he talk about food discipline on one of the more recent podcasts? If so, I 'd like to hear it.

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That’s a shame. Such a unique athlete. I am surprised that he hasn’t found proper help to address his issues