Gordon Ryan’s girl looks like a tranny



I bet Gordon gets her to peg him, no wonder he has constant diarrhea


I bet you anything she’s into girls which for him or any guy really is a massive plus

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He’s an extremely weird prick, not very likable.



Everyone I’ve met who trained with him says he’s a great partner on the mat.

I have heard some stories of him treating junior members pretty shitty when he was a little younger. Not on the mats but just being a dickhead.


I’ve heard him referred to as weaponized autism several times.

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He won double gold Worlds at black in 2018.

Sport bjj is gi

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That’s fucked

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I can see that take. No gi without reaping and advantages is pretty damn “sport bjj” to me.

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Who cares.

Maybe Hillbo is the one guy on earth who likes the sport of gi jiu-jitsu

So he’s a fan of atrocious stand up, huge mismatches, and stalling for the win?

Whatever floats your boat my man.

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I believe that was no-gi.

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You know her clit is YUUGE from all of the steroids.

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If you’re not a professional athlete, whatever gets you through the round.

I played fetal position/turtle for the last couple rounds of a 90 min open mat yesterday. My first time back on the mats in two weeks.


I met her back 2017 or 18 after Gordon’s seminar at the Arnold’s.

She looks less attractive in real life. And her voice is even more annoying.

During the Q and A I asked Gordon to show his details for over the chin RNC, and she stared at me with the hatred of a thousand suns knowing she was about to get cranked for like 5 minutes while he talked through it lol.


Those aren’t current ibjjf no gi rules.

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Trust me, I know. I waited until the changes allowing heel hooks and reaping to get an IBJJF card.

In 2018 they were the rules. Gordon won without leg entanglements. Not just no heel hooks, but no cross ashi, diagonal ashi, ect. Thats a big adjustment since his bottom game is mostly butterfly , entering the legs when you can’t get chest to chest.

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