Got any T-SHIRT ideas?

Already got a UG shirt

How about a "Snickers" shirt but do "Submissions" on the wrapper and keep the "not going anywhere for a while" on it too.

We could use a funny shirt...

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^^^add in a few sluts^^^



in Borat's voice You like??

I'm not hijacking Professor Quick's thread. I just put those together for fun. - Randy

I think it'd be fun to see a Marquis of Queensbury rules shirt. Think about the way you make your SAMBO shirts with Russian accents and do the same with an English design. Mimic an old painting on the front with two gloved boxers. Maybe the original Marquis. Have the original rules down the back in a nice font.

It'd be unique. Maybe because I'm the only one who would buy it, but whatever.


I love the Iranian UFC one!

It should come with a free moustache :-) LOL.

You could do a Nick Diaz shirt, 'cause he ain't no bitch!

LOL! That's funny...I did this design as a joke...

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Something like the UFC Revolution poster (my favorite poster of all time) but without the fighters, change UFC to MMA, etc. The basic premise is fist, revolution and mma... and some phrase like "it has begun" ... "it will be televised" ... etc. Could license Randy's likeness for a Che like black/white face :-)

whatever you do..put a cowbell on one of the sleeves

i really would buy the diaz one...

Boxing and George W. Bush Both on the way out

Do a "we need more submissions" and have Evan Tanner's pic on that bad boy.

I will totally buy one of those new Genki Sudo Ts when they're ready. I will buy anything Genki Sudo related.



I'm buying a Genki T, you brilliant bastard